19th Day of Eleventh Month, 2017


Present were: Lisa Lister, acting clerk, Ann Daugherty, Julie Roten-Valdez, Claire Sheridan, Molly Wingate, Kelsey Kennedy, Deneen Crandel, John Robley, Jeremy Nelson, Sarah Callbeck.

  1. The Meeting opened with silence and a reading from the old Philadelphia Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice on discouragement.

  2. Minutes from the tenth month business meeting were approved.

  3. Meeting House Committee Report: One quote for exterior painting was $1,800.00. Two other quotes are pending. The fire extinguishers passed inspection and are not recalled. The furnace was inspected and serviced, new batteries in thermostat, gutter cleaned, working on weather stripping for windows. Decision-making to be done on items in crawl space for future kitchen. All are reminded to return chairs, lock windows and turn down the heat whenever we use the meeting space. Committee report was accepted.

  4. Ministry & Oversight: no pressing items. Peter Wright, chair of religion at Colorado College is reaching out to see if awareness of Quakers can be raised at CC. He will visit on the 4th Sunday. Committee report was accepted.

  5. Peace and Social Action Committee: 17 people attended our worship sharing on racism. Joy, joy! Letter writing folder is on the bookshelf. Sanctuary coalition is planning for holiday events and coordinating with Mountain View for Elmer's wife's needs and a stay on deportation effort. The coalition needs volunteers for overnights and day shifts. Contact Ann Daugherty to volunteer. The committee is asked to review the organizations our Meeting makes donations to and see if our list of candidates should updated. Committee report was accepted.

  6. Finance Committee: Interviews are ongoing to find new bookkeeper. Budgeting for 2018 is in process. Please return pledge forms a.s.a.p. $1,800 will be set aside for maintenance (painting). Utility costs will be reviewed quarterly in the future. There will be funds available for Friends to travel on Meeting business. Committee report was accepted.

  7. First Day School Committee: The committee has reviewed Boulder Meeting's policy and procedures relating to the safety of children and is now drafting our own.

  8. Nominating Committee: Needs are: another member for finance committee; Representative Committee to Colorado Regional, three year term (Julie Roten-Valdez); Nominating Committee (John Robley). Final approvals will be at December business meeting.

  9. Announcements: Centering Prayer workshop will be at the Meeting House on January 20, 2018 form 9 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. The first Sunday potluck in December will be for queries for IMYM. Please make year-end donations before December 31st to get credit for 2017. Receipt cut off is January 5th.

  10. The Meeting closed in silence.

Respectfully submitted,

Julia Roten- Valdez

Recording clerk