Minutes for Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business

Colorado Springs Friends Meeting

Twenty first day of the ninth month

In Attendance: Lisa Lister, Bill Werling, Sarah Callbeck, Ann Grant Martin, Molly Wingate and Nancy Andrew

  1. Meeting opened with silence at 11:28 followed by the following reading from Britain Yearly Meeting: We do not own the world, and its riches are not ours to dispose of at will. Show a loving consideration for all creatures, and seek to maintain the beauty and variety of the world. Work to ensure that our increasing power over nature is used responsibly, with reverence for life. Rejoice in the splendor of God's continuing creation.

  2. Acceptance of minutes:

    Sixth month: http://coloradospringsquakers.org/meetings/Business/2014/6 approved with corrections

    Seventh month: approved with corrections (paper copy), pending being posted

  3. Committee Reports

    1. Ministry and Oversight Committee - the minutes accepted for both August and September committee meetings. In the September committee meeting there was discussion about the suitability of asking at the rise of meeting for "messages that did not rise to the level of Meeting for Worship." It was the sense of those present at that Ministry and Oversight Committee Meeting that it would be best to have Messages spoken only during Meeting for Worship. We thank M&O for their careful and worshipful consideration of this issue. Details can be found in the M&O Minutes for ninth month.

    2. Meeting House Committee - the minutes accepted for September. This month during the work day the committee suggests that we: haul the trash out from behind the meetinghouse, mow one more time, perform the usual housekeeping, and maybe repaint the basement floor.

      The problem of the scratched floor under the back table was discussed.
      The committee will look into getting a rug for under the table, perhaps one to match the larger rug.

      The committee posed two questions to the Finance Committee:

      1. Can we afford $400 to remove the stump?

      2. Can we afford to bring in an electrician to install additional electrical outlets?

    3. Finance Committee - the minutes and financial reports were accepted with many thanks. Sarah Callbeck indicated that deposits have remained down over the past two to three months. The Finance Committee will send out pledge letters in October. It was further reported that utility costs have been down. With the $100 we have available for distribution to national organizations, it was determined that $50 would be given to support the efforts of Mike Gray and the other $50 would be donated to the Ramallah Friends School to support their efforts.

      Sarah also indicated there was not currently enough money in the Meeting Home Special Projects fund to support stump removal and that the Meeting Home Committee should pursue a quote for the electrical costs before a determination could be made to see if it can be funded.

      Balances Reported (end of August)

      • Checking: $192.50

      • Savings: $7615.77

      • Building Fund: $9254.44

    4. Library - The library committee report was given orally by the Librarian, Nancy Andrew. She is using LibraryThing.com as the software to organize our library collection. You can now search for books in our collection online (at least the portion of our library collection that has been cataloged). There was discussion about the need to determine what the focus or emphasis will be for the library.
      It was determined that this will be discussed at the business meeting in November. There was also additional discussion about where to house the collection in the meeting house and the possibility of eventually building permanent bookshelves.

  4. Old Business - None were addressed

  5. New Business - None were addressed

  6. Announcements

    Genie & Bill Durland are teaching a four-part course, "Hope for the Holy Land," to be held Oct. 2, 9, 16 and 23 at High Plains Church, evenings from 6:30-8:30. ($20 donation suggested).

    Soup and Sharing at 6 PM Sunday, Nov. 9 at the home of Lisa Lister and Phil Friesen. The plan is to share with each other our thoughts on: Why am I a Quaker/ Why do I come to Meeting, and What has Quakerism contributed to our Community, and other fundamental queries. If those who attend conclude, after this session, that it would be well to offer a two-evening Introduction to Quaker origins, values, processes and practices, delving deeper into who we are, who we were and where we are going, we will do it at a later date. At this point we need expressions of interest.

    At the rise of the meeting on October 5th we will hold a Potluck to say "Goodbye" to Daniel Kidney. Please join us as we wish him well in his journey.

  7. Meeting was closed with silence at 12:48

Submitted by Bill Werling,

Recording Clerk