Minutes for Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business

Colorado Springs Quaker Meeting

Present: Genie Durland, Molly Wingate, Lisa Lister, LisaBeckwith, Carlton Gamer, Nancy Andrews, Ann Daugherty, BillDurland

December 15, 2013

  1. Silence followed by a reading.

    Query from Ft. Collin's Newsletter," how does our faith reflect our life and life reflect our faith?"

  2. Consideration of November Minutes, accepted with changes.

  3. Clerk's Report: The meeting seems to be in good shape in terms of the physical building, our finances, and people doing service on its behalf. I look forward to stepping down from being the clerk to focus more on the spiritual and worship aspects of my faith and to be of service to the meeting and the wider Quaker committee. It has been an honor and a pleasure to be clerk. I wish to thank Jeremy Nelson, recording clerk, and everyone else who is stepping down from one position and sliding into another (or two). I pray for wisdom and energy for all new appointees.

  4. Committee Reports:

    1. Finance Committee: Cash Flow Report and other financial reports 2014 Budget. Meeting by email, working on 2014 Budget. After payment checking $759.52, ENT reserve $565.05 cents in reserve, building fund of $1,148.95 in other reserves. $5,360.25 in Building Fund. Sarah talked about the savings from our new furance and other improvements in our utility bills from this time last year.

      Budget 2014, great improvement in the bottom line for the 2014 Budget from a deficit of $2,715.60 in 2013 to a small net positive of $39.99 for 2014. Sarah went over the details from the 2014 and an overview of actual expenses 2013.

    The meeting accepts with deep and abiding graditude all of the financial reports.

    Local quarterly distributions for December 2013, [Genie][GenieDurland] talked about adding the Shot Toe
    community to our list of local distribution. [Molly][MollyWingate] suggested supporting La Puente this
    time. [Genie] and [Jeremy] on support Pikes Peak Justice & Peace Commission. [Sarah][SarahCallbeck] and
    [Bill] supporting local groups that work with disadvantaged populations. [Carlton] and 
    [Molly] supporting Mesa and Bijou Houses that are part of the local organization that support
    local homeless. To support [Sarah] desire for emergency support for locals is Ecumenical Services Ministries.
    *  La Puente
    *  Ecumenical Services Ministries
    *  Community in Gardner
    *  Pikes Peak Justice & Peace Commission
    Each group will receive $25 donation as approved by the Meeting.
    No minutes to review.
    1. Ministry and Oversight Committee: no report.

      Thank you to everyone who helped to make [Kathy Ide's][KathyIde]s memorial meeting a beautiful and deeply meaningful event.

    2. First Day School: no report

      Molly suggest we start around a statement at World Friends Group. ecojustice project for First Day School. Each teacher could use themes of ecojustice, Molly consistent theme and kids are more invested. First project would be a collage created by kids.

    3. Adult Education:

      Rev. Roger Butts of Unity Church and formerly of High Plains Unitarian Church will give a presentation and lead a discussion about making end-of-life plans. He works with an organization that consults with people on these matters. The presentation will be at the rise of meeting on January 12, 2014.

      Thank you, Jeremy, for reintroducing us to our website: coloradospringsquakers.org All business meeting minutes and reports will be available on line. Our calendar of events is there also.

    4. Peace and Justice Committee:

      Three itesm, Ba-hai informational night, talked with setting up a event last Jan early Feb. Bill submitted materials from FGC and FCNL, Ecojustice in Denver, and other organizations of interest. FCC divestment from Fossil Fuels companies and reinvest in alternative fuels. Molly suggest that committee put together a minute. Do we need to have a seperate minute for each action item or just have a clerk send a letter in support for a month and then have Business Meeting direct a the committee.

    5. Nominating Committee: report attached. Approve new service positions.

      New service positions to approve. Lisa has agreed to become new meeting Clerk after prayerful consideration and was accepted with great . Lisa Beckwith has asked and been accepted to serve on the Finance committee. Gary has interest in serving our Meeting. Approved Lisa B. for Fiance and First Day school.

      Approved all nomations on the latest list. Yearly and Regional Meeting terms are generally for three years but our terms from two to three years. People can extend their terms if they want.

      We have wrote up and posted list of directions for opening the Meeting House.

    6. Library: Nancy will be in touch with [Lisa Lister] about working on the library over the next month and will have much more progress by the next meeting.

    7. Meetinghouse Committee: report pending. [Ann][AnnDaughtery] went over the report, some items still lingering is the installation of the brocher box, furnace inspected and filters changing on a regular basis. We need a snow shovel. Our gutters install with rubber or fiberglass splash guards. Daniel gas usage is 50% less than last year's gas bill. [Daniel] will be doing some research on the windows. Bill Werling is looking at fesaible about adding insulation in the restrooms and store room. Maintaining the meeting has multiple opportunities for service including taking the trash and providing some treats or refreshmennt after Meeting. Fourth Sunday of the Month, postponing we need to be better prepared for maintance and continue on the Fourth Sunday and make effort for Friends to participate and build community.

      [Sarah] asked if the meeting was compensating [Jonathan] for his work? No

      Report accepted.

  5. Old Business:

    [Molly] asked [Jeremy] to draft a Minute to send to Connie about her withdrawing her membership.

    We will be holding a "Show and Tell" for this winter on January 8th. Our speakers will be Bill Durland, Bill Werling, and Jeremy Nelson at 6:30-8:00pm. These events help us get to know one another a little better.

    When would the occasional book group like to meet to discuss Back Bench by Margaret Hope Bacon?

    Friends are welcome to use the meetinghouse during the week and to open it for Sunday worship. The key to the building is always available in the lock box on the ladies' room door. We have created a one-sheet set of directions for opening and closing the building. It is attached. Call Molly, Ann Daugherty, Bill Werling, Peter LeVar or the Durlands for the code to open the lock box.

  6. New Business:

    Christmas Eve Meeting for Worship at 7:00 pm with Christmas Carols and treats.

    Would we like to hold a workshop on the Doctrine of Discovery? Boulder meeting is available to conduct workshops on the Doctrine of Discovery and Indigenous People's rights. Friends should know that there may be a minute about the Doctrine of Discovery proposed for June Gathering and meetings are encouraged to learn about it and schedule time for the powerful workshop Boulder can provide. [Genie] spoke about the value of the workshop. [Carlton] also spoke about the value of having meetings coming to together, open the doors to other

    Ask the Peace and Social Justice Committee to come with some ideas next month about setting up a workshop in the Spring or Summer and open the doors to other communities in Colorado Springs. Approved.

    Other new business is the Fall queries, one query about one junior young friends Valiare Ireland, the request we provide feedback by February meeting. Talked about over January or February potluck. When would Friends like to consider this Query, do over January 5th potluck. Genie will clerk this discussion of these queries.

    [Sarah] has a question about a donation through PayPal, talk about our options. [Jeremy] will report on our options for online donations to Finance committee as he expressed concerns PayPal business practices.

  7. Announcements:

    Please put events at the meetinghouse on the paper calendar on the bulletin board and let Molly Wingate and Bill Werling
    know. Bill is the calendar keeper for now and he will enter it on Google calendar so the event will be listed on our website. You can subscribe to get reminders and updates automatically.

    If you are part of a group or know of a group who would like to use the meeting house, please have them contact Bill Werling at william.werling@gmail.com.

    Eric Moon will be giving a presentation on April 19th at Boulder Meeting, "Meeting the Testimonies Again for the First Time."

    Jeremy spoke about the opporutnities we now have through the website to be an authority witness in this new medium.

Meeting closed in silence at 12:5x