Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business

Colorado Springs Friends Meeting Twentieth Day of Fifth Month 2018

Present: Ellen Cooney (Clerk), Ann Daugherty, Ann Martin, Carlton Gamer, Jeremy Nelson, Molly Wingate, Jonathan McPhee and Lisa Lister (Recording Clerk).

Silent Worship and Query: Are our monthly meetings [for business] held in the spirit of a meeting for worship in which we, in love and mutual respect, seek divine guidance? (IMYM Faith and Practice, page 120)

The Fourth Month 2018 minutes were approved.


Meeting House Committee

John Mills, the painter, completed painting the trim around all the widows and doors, except for the large south-facing window in the front, which is not possible to reach unless the junipers are removed (or a painting company with scaffolding is hired to complete the job). John was paid for the work he completed, and is willing to finish if the junipers are removed so that he has ladder access. The committee has obtained two estimates for the cost of removing the shrubs. Both estimates run approximately $500. Removal of the shrubs would allow us to build an ADA access ramp to the front door of the meeting house, and it is likely that the Friends Meeting House Fund might help us financially with this project.

This idea was discussed in the past, and Molly has a drawing/estimate which she will send Ann D. so that the committee can review it. A ramp could also be constructed in the back when an addition is added, but this larger project is not financially feasible at the present time. The Meeting house committee will further investigate this whole issue and bring a recommendations back to the meeting for a decision about how to proceed.

Jonathan expressed an interest in cutting down the junipers, although he would need help and tools. The committee will keep this offer in mind as they investigate possibilities.

The Meeting House Committee will test the sump pump to make sure it is functioning and to allay Molly's nightmares about the basement flooding once again.

Ministry and Oversight Committee

The minutes were accepted (See Appendix). The committee will continue their annual tradition of contacting Friends and attenders to explore their relationship to the Meeting, and to ask how the Meeting can better meet their needs.

Peace and Social Concerns Committee

The last meeting time was used for showing of "I Am Not Your Negro," which was an important and worthwhile event. We thank the committee for their good work.

A request was referred to P&SC to consider whether the study series podcasts on "Seeing White" might be valuable for the Meeting to engage with: (http://podcast.cdsporch.org/seeing-white/). Because P&SC has their plate full as they consider bringing Deanne Butterfield to town for a workshop, Ellen is willing to facilitate the podcast series on the second Sunday of the month during the summer.
She may need some help.

Finance Committee

We reviewed the Profit & Loss statement and Balance Sheet for January through April.
Some present felt that it was hard to see where we are with budget line items (like money for maintenance, prudent reserves, scholarship money, etc.) It would be helpful to be able to easily see this on the financial reports. We will continue to give feedback about our needs to Finance Committee so that reports are honed to meet our needs. We heartily thank Kelsey for his hard work during this transition.

Other Business

Phil often mows the lawn in the summer with his electric lawn mower. He would welcome others helping out once in a while. There is also a good push mower which can be used for this purpose by anyone who is able.

If you have events scheduled at the Meeting House, please put it on the Meeting House master calendar. This would help everyone know what is happening and prevent double-booking. If it is a private event, please note "private" along with the name of the person who scheduled it. If you don't know how, Ann Martin is happy to schedule things on the calendar, just contact her.

The Web Redesign task force will meet again soon and discuss the calendar as well as follow-up on their discussion on improving the Meeting's web site.

Humbly prepared,

Lisa Lister

Recording Clerk


Ministry and Oversight Committee Minutes: May 14, 2018

Present were Carlton Gamer, Peter LeVar, Ann Grant Martin-Clerk and Ellen Cooney-guest.

We met at Carlton's home.

We opened at 11:00 with Spiritual Silence and then had a brief check-in.

We reviewed the April Minutes and briefly discussed this year’s Quakerism 101 class. We noted that it was the sense of that group to continue Quakerism 101 next September and to maintain a focus on Quaker life, practice and history.

This M&O meeting concentrated on revising our Quaker Directory, conferring on the value of making Friendly Calls, creating a format that accommodates a variety of ways to be in touch with Quaker Friends, and modifying our conversation topics.

We concluded this matter by deciding which members of M&O would call specific Friends.

Our next meeting will be June 11, 2018 at 11:00 at Carlton'ss.

We closed at 12:04 with Spiritual Silence.

In the Light of Peace,

Ann Grant Martin, Clerk