17th Day of Ninth Month, 2017


Present were: Ellen Cooney, Ann Grant-Martin, Molly Wingate, Ann Daugherty, Peter LeVar, Sarah Callbeck, JeremyNelson, Lisa Joy Samson, Brian Murphy, Carlton Gamer

  1. The Meeting opened with silence and the query: Are we able to unite in good grace?

  2. Minutes from the seventh month business meeting were approved with one correction.

  3. Regarding Meeting Process. Ellen reminded committees to get to details in business at meetings and of the fundamentals of God speaking to any of us. This can come from any place in Business Meeting. Reminder to those who speak more easily to remember those who find it more difficult.

  4. Meeting House Committee Report: Fire extinguishers need recharging before next Business Meeting. Exploration of hiring contractor to do south window, with thought to the risk of scaffolding. Winterization of Meeting House to be done before November - power wash, scraping and painting of sills, furnace maintenance. Landscaping, Lisa overseeing, implement some work before November, the rest in the spring. Gratitude expressed for those who care for the building on 4th Sundays. Concern about drainage expressed. Looking into WIFI and voiceover internet for telephone which will be brought before next Business Meeting. Gratitude expressed by Molly for the good work of the committee.

  5. Ministry and Oversight Committee Report: Report of meeting the week prior and minutes thereof. Discussed First Day School/ Safety for Children. Claire Sheridan and John Gallagher agreed to serve on committee, but it is on hold while Claire is in Taos, NM.

  6. Finance Committee Report: Minutes read. Discussion of forming a 501 (c) (3) led by Brian whereby misunderstandings were dispelled - the meeting is a corporation, CO Non-Profit, a tax exempt organization, and a church that holds a distinction according to the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution. Discussion of tax exemption, further looking into the Short Form, the ongoing reporting requirements, child protection policy and background checks ensued. Sarah thanked Brian for his participation. Molly expressed a willingness to assist and her deep gratitude to the agreement of all. Sarah expressed gratitude to all who have helped on projects large and small, including sewers, Meeting House purchase, and refinancing. Date for next Finance Committee Meeting set for the 2nd Tuesday in October, the 10th. Sarah reported we are nicely solvent. Cash Flow Report: donations are up, with bank account now around 2,000.00 we can now reserve for insurance deductible, reserve for Friends' fiduciary at 1,800.00, save for new addition by adding a little monthly to that. Other suggestions asked for. Search for new insurance company discussed. Choices made for September giving to other organizations. Monies to be divided equally between Western Friends, FCNL, Friends Meeting House Moscow, and Quaker House. Donations approved. Finance Committee Report approved with gratitude.

  7. Announcements: Sanctuary Committee will be held at the First Congregational Church on Tuesday, September 19th, from 6 - 8 pm. Discussed Elmer's deportation, possible transfer to Denver, and current needs for his living situation and by his attorney. The meeting closed in silence.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Joy Samson

Recording clerk