16th Day of Seventh Month

2017 Minutes

Present were: Ellen Cooney, Ann Grant-Martin, Lisa Lister, Phil Friesen, Julie Roten-Valdez, Kelsey Kennedy, Claire Sheridan, Sue Lauther, Molly Wingate, Linda Seger, Peter Levar, Sarah Callback.

  1. The Meeting opened with silence and a reading from "What is our Business Meeting?".
  2. Minutes from the fifth month business meeting were approved with two corrections.
  3. Meeting House Committee Report: We are working on the South window, fire extinguishers need recharging, recently the back door was left open and a window was left unlocked. The front door was left unlocked twice when the door was not pulled closed. Please slam it and double check it before leaving. We are each asked to pull ten weeds if able and keep the front mulched area clear. If we use the screens in the windows rather than leaving the door open during Meeting, we will keep the bugs out. Committee report was accepted.
  4. Ministry & Oversight: Ellen is faithfully attending the committee meeting as a guest. Jon and Chris’s wedding was lovely and guests were very respectful of Quaker traditions. Friendly calls were initiated by committee members. The committee is discussing development of child protection policies and best practices for first day school. The Meeting discussed the need to reactivate a First Day School Committee vs. a Religious Education Committee and avoid having Ministry and Oversight shoulder too much responsibility.

    John Gallagher and the Boulder Meeting actively explored these child protection issues for IMYM this year. Claire Sheridan will contact John and the Boulder Meeting and report back. Committee report was accepted. 5. Peace and Social Action Committee: No report. The sanctuary group will meet Tuesday and a radio show will air soon. The Meeting discussed legality of sanctuary movement. 6. Finance Committee: No report; did not meet secondary to health issues. Will soon circulate finalized accounting of how the sewer got paid. Committee report was accepted. 7. Announcements:
    Ellen sent several emails to the woman from a ministry of Friends in Moscow who wants to talk to anyone interested, but has yet to receive a response.

    Friends are reminded about making individual contributions to the Unitarians toward their remodel in anticipation of offering sanctuary. There are requests for hospitality on the list serve from Quakers moving to the area. Sarah’s solar party is this Wednesday, July 19th, at 6:00 p.m. we will begin Adult Education for Quaker 101 on the second Sunday in September at the rise of Meeting. Any interested person is welcome.

    Sarah will be stepping aside from all things financial (bookkeeper and finance committee chair) as of the end of the year. She asks the nominating committee to consider a replacement. The Meeting wishes to recognize and honor Sarah for all her hard work year in and year out for the last 14 years.

The Meeting closed in silence.

Respectfully submitted,

Julia Roten- Valdez

Recording clerk