16TH Day of Fourth Month, 2017


Present were: Ellen Cooney, Jeremy Nelson, Lisa Lister, Phil Friesen, Julie Roten-Valdez, Kelsey Kennedy, Linda Seeger, Peter Levar, Ann Daugherty, Nancy Andrews, John Robey, Sarah Callbeck.

  1. The Meeting opened with silence and a query regarding testimony against keeping of times and seasons from Britain Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice.

  2. Minutes from the March business meeting were approved.

  3. Meeting House Committee Report: We have a new hydraulic latch on the back door, initial phase of sewer repair expected this week- full extent of repair to be determined, cleaning this month changed to Friday because of Colorado Regional Meeting being held here on 4th Sunday, smaller projects on hold at this time, grant request for help with sewer cost submitted to Friends General Conference, sewer clean out will be located near curb so as not to interfere with remodel/addition in the future. Committee report was accepted.

  4. Ministry & Oversight: held a clearness committee for Jonathan McFee and Chris Paradise regarding their marriage under the care of the meeting. All Quakers from this Meeting are invited. RSVPs are requested by Wednesday, April 19th. Deb Gimbleson, clerk of Kapiti Friends Meeting in New Zealand and a former member here, is requesting that we be sister meetings with them. If interested, we will request a letter form Deb as clerk. Next M&O meeting May 7, 2017. Committee report was accepted.

  5. Peace and Social Action Committee: Springs rescue mission is increasing the number of beds from 150 to 200 and working with others to not duplicate services. Please consider giving any monies you might otherwise give to panhandlers to Springs Mission, Catholic Charities etc. to help behavior modification efforts, decrease isolation, increase active contribution, decrease substance abuse and channel the sources of help. Our Meeting has committed to support the local sanctuary movement. Committee report was accepted.

  6. Finance Committee: Sewer fundraising brought in $5,000 in pledges. The committee couldn’t be more gratified over the positive response in stepping up to deal with this problem. The total cost is not yet known. We are in good shape for a total cost of $9-10,000. If double that, we may need to consider borrowing some money. The finance committee was authorized to spend additional funds if necessary with the understanding that some members do not wish to incur debt and if we do, to pay it off as soon as possible. The Meeting will provide $50 in scholarship per individual to 6-7 persons requesting help with IMYM. This will leave some additional funds available for Colorado Regional Meeting in the fall. Committee report was accepted.

  7. State of the Meeting Report was approved with changes.

  8. Friends General Conference has committed $60,000 to study threads of institutional racism. We will season until next month our level of involvement.

  9. Announcements: Colorado Regional Meeting will be held here next week. The topic is resistance, resilience and restoration.

  10. The Meeting closed in silence.

Respectfully submitted,

Julia Roten- Valdez

Recording clerk