19th Day of Third Month, 2017


Present were: Ellen Cooney, Lisa Lister, Julie Roten-Valdez, Linda Seeger, Peter Levar, Austin Hawk, Briana Hawk, Carlton Gamer, John Robey, Molly Wingate, Sarah Callbeck.

  1. The Meeting opened with silence and a query regarding common concerns for different religious and cultural backgrounds.

  2. Minutes from the February business meeting were approved.

  3. Meeting House Committee Report: painting is done on front door and windows; the door latch is fixed; drainage issue is on hold; mulch will be added out front; the sewer line inspection showed deteriorated pipes and an estimated cost for repair of $7,268. The committee will seek other quotes and look at alternative solutions. Repairs will be made with the plans for our future addition in mind. The committee asks that anyone wishing to donate an item to the meeting house seek approval prior to dropping an item off. We still need a microphone and podium for Regional Meeting April 23rd. Committee report was accepted.

  4. Finance Committee: The Monthly Meeting authorizes, with enthusiasm and gratitude, a minute of approval to appoint Kelsey Kennedy as Treasurer for Colorado Springs Monthly Meeting with signatory authority on the checking account and responsibility for deposits and receiving bank statements. Ann Daugherty and Lisa Lister will be removed as signers on the checking account. The committee reviewed sources of available funds that could be allocated to the cost for sewer repair. The project will take approximately one week and is important to complete prior to hosting Colorado Regional Meeting. Cash flow was reviewed. Committee report was accepted.

  5. Ministry & Oversight did not meet but received a request for marriage under the care of the meeting from Jonathan McFee and Chris Paradise. Their clearness committee recommends we proceed and accept this marriage under our care and the Meeting approved with joy. An Arrangements Committee will assist them. The marriage will be at the meeting house on June 24th and the reception will be at another location.

  6. State of the Meeting Report is undergoing revision.

  7. Peace and Social Action Committee: Letter writing at the first of the month resulted in 16 letters being mailed to representatives. Bri and Linda attended the immigration planning meeting at 1st Congregational and we discussed the history and meaning of sanctuary churches. Ellen will share working documents with Bri from immigration meetings. Committee report was accepted.

  8. Our Meeting's quarterly gifting/donations to eligible national organizations were disbursed as follows: $50.00 to AFSC; $50.00 to FCNL. We are also sending $100.00 to Mountain Friends camp.

  9. Announcements: The Meeting received a formal letter requesting transfer to Mountain View Meeting for Bill and Genie Durland. Our clerk will sign and send the approval letter. We remain prepared to conduct first day school on an as needed basis. Soup and Sharing will be on Wednesday, April 12th at Lisa and Phil's house. Colorado Regional Meeting is here on April 23rd. Registration for IMYM is available on line for Yearly Meeting at Ghost Ranch from June 11-18. Submit scholarship requests to Sarah Callbeck directly.

  10. The Meeting closed in silence.

Respectfully submitted,

Julia Roten- Valdez

Recording clerk