15th Day of Tenth Month, 2017


Present were: Ellen Cooney, Ann Grant-Martin, Julie Roten-Valdez, Claire Sheridan, Molly Wingate, Kelsey Kennedy, Austin Hawk.

  1. The Meeting opened with a quote on opening to spirit followed by silence.

  2. Minutes from the September business meeting were approved.

  3. Meeting House Committee Report: Information and directions regarding the sump pump are in the red cabinet. The smell in the meeting house continues, additional possibilities for a solution were suggested including moving the sofa out temporarily or covering it in plastic and opening the windows several hours per day. The heat seems to be turning off and on randomly- referred back to the Meeting House Committee. Contents of crawl space reviewed, gutters will be cleaned, evergreens will be trimmed and paint applied to window sills. Bring your ideas and suggestions for changing our food preparation area to Lisa. We are reminded to check with Meeting House Committee before bring donated items to the Meeting House and to make certain the building is secure when you are the last one out. Committee report was accepted.

  4. Ministry & Oversight: Ann reviewed the importance of Friendly calls, shorter messages, political messages and staying open to spirit. The Meeting approved a workshop on centering prayer. Committee report was accepted.

  5. Peace and Social Action Committee: Minutes circulated October 15th . Ann Daugherty wrote a summary on the status of the sanctuary coalitions and present occupants. The Meeting made a contribution and individuals are invited to contribute as well. Watch for information of the grass roots, non-violent meetings coming up in Arizona November 10-12. The committee proposes a worship sharing on Saturday November 18th at 3:00 p.m. around the racism queries. The December potluck will be used for the IMYM queries. Committee report was accepted.

  6. Finance Committee: The committee is working with Nominating Committee to fill the bookkeeper position being vacated by Sarah. Our 501c3 status and corporation documentation issues are being reviewed for the future. The committee is working on soliciting pledges and creating the budget for 2018. Since IMYM will go to a pay as lead model, there will be no further scholarship requests from individual Meetings. We can consider transferring that previously budgeted amount directly to yearly meeting. Please note our file cabinet downstairs is our centralized place for important meeting documents including corporation documents, minutes and building mechanicals. Committee report was accepted.

  7. First Day School Committee: Claire and John would welcome more members as we consider the safety of children.

  8. Nominating Committee will be convening soon. Please let Lisa or Jeremy know where your interests or willingness lie.

  9. Announcements: Centering Prayer workshop which shares commonalities with Quakers, Buddhists, Catholics, Presbyterians and others will be offered in January hosted at our Meeting House but open to the wider community in Colorado Springs as well. Experiment in the Light might be helpful reading. Molly spoke recently with a child in the neighborhood who thought our building was vacant and abandoned. Ellen will pursue a community picnic at the neighborhood school, Helen Hunt elementary. A poetry group may be interested in using our meeting space. We will consider ways to use the Hillside community center and the possibility of using the Helen Hunt playground during First Day School.

  10. The Meeting closed in silence.

Respectfully submitted,

Julia Roten-Valdez