The meeting opened with silence followed by reading a query on the spiritual life of the Meeting. Present were: Ellen Cooney, Julia Roten-Valdez, Sue Lathrop, Lisa Lister, Ann Daugherty, Linda Seger, Peter Levar, Carlton Gamer, Ann Grant-Martin, Brian Sojourner, John Robey, Sarah Callbeck, Austin Hawk and Brianna Hawk.
December business meeting minutes were approved
Meeting House Committee: Ann D. will investigate requirements to complete storm water drainage; additional painting will be done on the front door along with latch and surface repair; additional landscaping will be done in the spring. Claire Sheridan volunteered and the Meeting approved her inclusion on the Meeting House Committee. Report accepted.
M&O Committee: Two visitors attended the last regular meeting. The committee discussed and clarified perceived needs of Conscientious Objectors and how to assist them and considered other organizations and groups that might offer additional services; the committee recommends another Soup and Sharing this winter with a suggested topic of "How does your faith shape your call to action?" Proposed date and time for Soup and Sharing is Wednesday, April 12 @ 6:30-location to be determined. The Meeting is reminded to stay mindful of our language both in and out of Meeting and refrain from assuming that every listener shares liberal views. Friends are asked to look at the web site and M&O minutes for information on Quaker study groups as a way to deepen spiritual growth. Report accepted.
Peace and Social Justice Committee: Molly Wingate will be pro tem clerk of this committee and report after the next meeting.
Finance committee: The Meeting had a healthy balance and good cash flow in 2016, donations were up and the Meeting had extra cash after refinancing the mortgage. Total donations were $12,515.54, a net increase of $3,409. We had no unusual expenses. Annual reports are online. The Meeting acknowledged and expressed thanks, appreciation and deepest gratitude to Sarah for her hard work and attention to detail in our finances and for extending her service on the committee well beyond her original commitment. Report accepted. Finance committee minutes to be forwarded after they are completed.
New Business: The clerk will be out of town the third week in February. The Meeting decided to conduct Meeting for Business on the 4th week and to do clean-up chores on the 3rd week. Peter will serve as back up clerk closing the Meeting and conducting informal business in the clerk's absence. The Meeting accepted with gratitude. Meeting news and sharing information with others may be forwarded in the future on a Yahoo groups. (more information to follow) The potluck in February will be on February 5, 2017, the topic to be our role, if any I in immigration. Five students form will be visiting that First Day as well.
Old Business: Lisa submitted our member information to IMYM for us. DVDs on oral history of Quakerism and our Meeting done by three of our elders (Carlton Gamer and Bill and Genie Durland) are on file in the file cabinet. Changes to the web site and design are in the works.
The meeting closed with silence.
Respectfully submitted,
Recording Clerk