The Meeting opened with silence followed by an advice on Simplicity from IMYM Faith & Practice.
Attending were: Lisa Lister, Sarah Callbeck, Julia Roten-Valdez, Sue Lauther, Molly Wingate, Carlton Gamer, Ellen Cooney, Barb Cromwell.
Minutes from the Seventh Month were approved with corrected spellings of two names.
Meeting House Committee Report: The new front door is on order. We are considering how to extend the water drainage that presently empties onto the street all the way to the street. We are reminded to keep the bathroom doors closed this winter when expensive baseboard electric heaters are in use. Report accepted.
Ministry and Oversight Committee Report: Report (circulated as Appendix A) accepted.
Finance Committee Report: Report (circulated as Appendix B) recommends how to allocate the extra money accrued from the skipped loan payment and excess loan funds: $1,700 to be divided with $500 to travel budget; $474 - $477 unallocated and on hold for now until we determine the cost of taking all water drainage to the street; $797-$800 to Building Maintenance fund; plan to pay down the principal by adding an extra $50 to the principal any and all months we have that amount available. Cash flow report accepted with thanks to Sarah for her diligence. Reports accepted.
Quarterly Disbursements: for national organizations. $50 to William Penn House and $50 to Western Friend.
Peace and Justice Committee Report: The committee seeks approval of the proposed minute. Minute approved as written. Report accepted.
Report: is in place as needed.
New Business: Barb Cromwell brought information about Citizens' Climate Lobby, how it works, and what their goals are. The Meeting endorsed their proposed letter to Congress about a law for a carbon fee with funds returning to individual households.
The Meeting closed in silence.
Respectfully submitted,
Recording clerk
Present: Carlton Gamer, Jeremy Nelson, Ann Grant Martin - Clerk
We met in Carlton's home, opened with Spiritual Silence and then enjoyed our check-in.
After discussing the well being of one of our Attenders we queried ourselves regarding the discussion questions of our Quaker Friendly Calls.
We closed in Silence.
Our next meeting will be October 12, 2016 at Carlton's.
In the Light for Peace,
Ann Grant Martin, Clerk of Ministry and Oversight
A Minute in Support of Quaker Participation in the SOA-WATCH Nonviolent Direct Action at the U.S.-Mexico Border
The Colorado Springs Friends Meeting joins in and supports the efforts of Quakers who will gather at the U.S.-Mexico border at Nogales on October 7-10, 2016 to protest against racism, xenophobia, criminalization of refugees and migration and U.S. militarization.
(The School of the Americas (SOA) Watch is held annually at Ft. Benning, GA where the U.S. military trains foreign security forces to use repressive force against Latin Americans)
Hello Colorado Springs Quaker Meeting,
As you may know, I am active with Citizens' Climate Lobby (CCL). CCL is a volunteer-driven, non-partisan organization working with all 535 members of Congress to address climate change. CCL's work features a focus on building relationships, interacting with grace and respect, truly listening, and simplicity of focus. I have been active for several years with a South Dakota chapter. A Colorado Springs chapter is in progress. Meanwhile, anyone interested in more information can go to
As part of our effort, we are asking influential community leaders like you to consider lending your voice to this issue. As a simple first step, we would like to ask that you please consider signing our Community Leader's Letter to Congress, attached. You can either do this as an individual (i.e. [Name, Title]), or, if possible, on behalf of the Colorado Springs Quaker Meeting.
Once you have had a chance to review the letter, please let me know if you are willing to support our effort. If you are, I'll send an electronic request for you to sign - it would greatly help my fellow volunteers and me as we continue to engage our members of Congress!
Thanks very much for your consideration! I'm very happy to discuss any questions or concerns. I can be contacted at 605-484-4090 or
Respectfully, Barbara Cromwell
A Few Details about Carbon Fee and Dividend
A climate solution that's simple, fair, and market-friendly
Stabilize the Climate and Boost the Economy
The link below is the Quaker Earthcare statement on climate change: (