The Meeting opened with silence followed by a reading about Meeting for Business from Philadelphia Yearly Meeting.
Minutes from the Fourth Month were approved with joy and gratitude.
Meeting House Committee Report: We are making progress with replacing the front and rear doors; grass mowing is scheduled; we have an ongoing need for weeding and gardening; the fourth Sunday is cleanup day and we appreciate support. Report accepted.
The State of the Meeting Report was read aloud, approved, and will be forwarded to Yearly Meeting. (See appendix A).
Peace and Justice Report: FCNL contacted PPJ&P commission to expand efforts to form advocacy groups - we are asking members and attenders to consider volunteering; Colorado Care draft minute will be seasoned until the June meeting. Report accepted.
Finance Committee Report: Finance reports are online, the bank account is in good shape, the refinancing application was submitted. Report accepted.
IMYM Representative Committee Report: IMYM is searching for a new meeting site-possibilities include , College College and in Highlands University in New Mexico; they are also looking at insurance for child care.
John Robey met with a clearness committee regarding membership in our Meeting. The clerk read John's letter (See appendix B). The Meeting unanimously approved John's membership. The next potluck in June will be in honor of John's membership.
The Planned Parenthood proposed minute was read and discussed. The minute was approved with one member standing aside. (See appendix C).
The Meeting approved the changes in service positions: Lisa Lister will step in for Ann Grant Martin on the nominating committee; Phil Friesen will step in for Ann Grant Martin as the Meetinghouse use liaison; Julie Roten-Valdez will become the librarian assistant to Nancy.
The Meeting discussed the upcoming yard sale being organized by [Holly][]-proceeds will go to the Meeting travel fund.
The Meeting closed in silence.
Respectfully submitted,
Recording clerk
State of the Meeting
Colorado Springs Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
May 1, 2016
The Colorado Springs Religious Society of Friends continues to prosper in the search for the Truth. After more than 50 years as a Meeting, we are celebrating our third year in residence at our Meeting House. Fortunately the serious flooding problem in our basement in the Spring was solved with the installation of a sump pump and outside mitigation.
We remain of modest size but continue to slowly grow and contribute to the greater Quaker and Peace communities.
Presently we have 16 members, about 10 regular attenders and 4 junior members. We are heartened that the number of visitors has increased, a few of whom have become regular attenders.
Children and Young Friends are infrequent attenders. However, we have a well stocked first Day School room with new furniture and rug. Teachers are ready to teach. We look forward to the time when we have a more vigorous First Day School program.
Our adult Religious Education program read The Essential Elias Hicks and were enriched by the discussion about Elias and Quaker history. In addition, an occasional book group continues to focus on reading and discussing Quaker fiction. The Meeting has the tradition of gathering for an annual "Soup & Sharing" worship-sharing time. This year we focused on "Spoken Ministry" which was spiritually enriching.
We held a Quaker Quest session in September (under the auspices of Friends General Conference) which was well supported by our members and attenders. This helped us think about our Meeting in an intentional way, especially how to attract new members. A follow up Threshing Session was held in November.
Since we have a building to offer non-profit and other groups we are beginning to notice an increase in our meetinghouse's use. Several of the groups that use our space include a 12 step group, various language classes, a Buddhist book group, practices for Bill Durland's plays, and writing workshops. The Coloradoans Against the Death Penalty held an open house in December. The Heart Warrior Project for veterans recently completed a series of workshops.
We continue to benefit from the many talents and contributions of Friends. We look forward to continued growth and Spiritual light in the coming year.
In the Light, Ann Grant Martin, Clerk of Ministry and Oversight
Lisa Lister, Clerk of the Colorado Springs Monthly Meeting
John R. Robey
5450 Settlers Terrace
Colorado Springs, CO 80917-1160
April 24, 2016
Colorado Springs Friends Meeting
Attn: Ministry & Oversight
950 East Cimarron Street
Colorado Springs, CO
Dear Ann,
I would like to thank you, Carlton, Linda, Peter, and Lisa for forming a Clearness committee and for meeting with me today.
I am writing to request that the Meeting consider me for full membership. While I am happy merely to attend, I feel that membership will provide the type of spiritual grounding needed for my on-going spiritual development.
I feel blessed and very fortunate in having found spiritual fellowship and kindred minds within the Colorado Springs Religious Society of Friends. The members and attenders here are such good people that I rejoice to be included among you.
I realize I may yet have more to learn about Friends (Quakers) and Quakerism; and look forward to receiving gentle guidance and instruction, as needed.
Should you, the Committee, or the Membership have any questions regarding my character, history, or motives, please do not hesitate to contact me (though I rather expect the Quaker way will be to go inside rather than asking outward questions.)
Thank you for considering my request; and Thank You for teaching me yet more about the inner Light and the way(s) of the Sacred Spirit.
Blessings & Love to you each and all.
Minute of Support for Planned Parenthood
Planned Parenthood has recently come under extreme criticism from politicians because of allegations that have now been proven false. The current political move to defund Planned Parenthood would be disastrous. It would make it impossible for millions of Americans to obtain preventive services like cancer screening and family planning. There would be almost no impact on abortion services.
Reproductive rights and health care are lawful human rights that allow individuals to control their fertility and improve their health. Family planning is the most effective way to avoid unplanned pregnancies and therefore the need for abortion.
Colorado Springs Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends recognizes the importance of Planned Parenthood clinics to millions of men and women in the country. We support these clinics throughout the US and recognize the staff members for the important services they provide. Our local Colorado Springs clinic has been the target of violence, and we stand with them in solidarity as they and our community heals.
In addition to voicing our support of Planned Parenthood, we ask ourselves as members and attenders to consider taking the following actions:
Write Letters to the Editor and OpEds supporting reproductive health and rights in general and specifically supporting Planned Parenthood
Write to your legislators supporting reproductive health and rights in general and specifically supporting Planned Parenthood
Volunteer to escort patients or help in other needed ways at a Planned Parenthood clinic
Donate financial support to local Planned Parenthood clinics