In attendance: Lisa Lister, clerk, Molly Wingate, recording clerk for the day, Bill Durland, Genie Durland, Sue Lauther, Ellen Cooney, Ann Martin, Bree and Austin, John Robey, Sarah Callbeck, Jeremy Nelson
Silence followed by queries
Lisa Lister read a query about self care from Faith and Practice.
Each of us has a particular experience of God and each must pursue it.
Approval of Eleventh Month 2016 minutes:
Committee Reports
Meetinghouse Committee
The usual maintenance is ongoing
Clean up Sundays are working pretty well
Verbal report accepted
Ministry and Oversight Committee (See Appendix A)
In addition to the items on the attached report, we had a conversation about becoming a sanctuary church. It was pointed out that we call on resources and use the experience of other churches. It was pointed out that we have minuted being a repository for documents in support of claims of conscientious objection - we have not minuted support as a sanctuary for conscientious objectors. We could pursue this interest . We had a warning that our process can be used as a deterrent to get anything done, so be vigilant to get the process moving and not used as device. We could simply make a statement on the website that we support sanctuary . It was suggest that we use the February potluck to discuss sanctuary issues.
Report accepted
Peace and Social Justice Committee
Status of Peace and Social Concerns Committee, Since Bill & Genie are leaving, Sue Lauther and John Robey are constituting the new committee. Bill and Genie will write a reflection paper.
Suggest that nominating committee consider the reconstitution of the committee.
Finance Committee
Finance Committee report (See Appendix B) report accepted
Financial Reports: Cash Flow & Savings Update reports attached.
Reports accepted with gratitude
We had $100 donation to local organizations. We agreed to donate $25 each to COPE to support utilities payments locally, Marian House for their many services, Partners in Housing to help people find and keep housing, and CASA to support children in the court system.
We celebrated that we have been able make donations to other organizations throughout 2016 without any trouble.
The Durlands have donated books to library as they prepare to move to Littleton. Several are very old.
New Business
The January potluck will be in honor of Bill and Genie Durland.
Lisa Lister had updated the list of service positions in the meeting and who is filling them. She will circulate the list for corrections.
Minute 1.12-2016 We are very grateful for Lisa Lister's four years of service as our clerk. Her deep experience, grace and kindness have been blessings to our meeting.
Approved with applause
We welcome Ellen Cooney as our new clerk.
The Boulder Story - It was share that a group of citizens proposed that the city of Boulder adopt Nablus as a Sister City. There was a backlash, but they still did the work to make the sister city happen . Eventually the group and city council had to go to mediation for 6 months. Last week, the Boulder City council accepted Nablus as a Sister City.
In the Light,
Ministry and Oversight Committee Minutes, December 13, 2016
Present: Carlton Gamer, Jeremy Nelson and Ann Grant Martin, Clerk
We began with Spiritual Silence and a brief check-in. We reviewed the November minutes.
It was the sense of our meeting that the Peace and Social Concerns Committee is an important part of our meeting, even if it goes dormant. With the current political situation, this committee may interest younger Friends; Millennials who need an established and respected group to support their activism.
An organization, has been brought to our attention. Their “mission is to be faithful stewards of Creation by responding to global warming through the promotion of energy conservation. M&O proposes that the Peace and Social Concerns Committee contact the local chapter, Colorado Interfaith Power and Light to see how we can, as a Meeting get involved.
M&O understands that several Friends have the intention of bringing our website up to date. We suggest that our website reflect the Meeting's desire to be a sanctuary for Conscience Objectors. Our website can also have links that are helpful to Conscience Objectors.
M&O has completed our "Friendly Calls" for 2016. We will begin 2017's "Friendly Calls" to Members and regular Attenders next June.
In the Light, Ann Grant Martin, Clerk for Ministry & Oversight
Finance Committee Meeting
Twelfth month, Twelfth day, 2016
Present: Sarah Callbeck (Bookkeeper, Treasurer, & Clerk) and Lisa Lister (Recorder) and John Robey were in attendance. The meeting was held at Lisa’s home.
We began with silence and settling.
We carefully reviewed financial reports for the period ending 11-30-2016 and found all to be in good order:
The 2017 budget was approved at the Eleventh Month Meeting for Business. There will be very minor tweaking to the General Fund donation projections because pledges are still arriving.
This month, the Meeting decides on donations to local organizations. We have $100 for this purpose.
We closed in silence.