Minutes of Meeting for Worship for Business

24th Day of First month, 2016

(postponed from 17th day of First month, 2016)

The meeting opened with silence followed by a reading on mutual love from Faith & Practice.

The twelfth month business meeting minutes were approved.

Reports from Ministry & Oversight, Meeting House and Finance committees were all accepted (see Appendix).

Workdays at the meetinghouse will now be scheduled all day three times
per year in the Spring, Summer and Fall

Nominations committee's final recommendation that Sue Lauther act as apprentice in Peace & Justice committee work with Bill and Genie Durland was approved.

The meeting closed with silence.

Respectfully submitted,

Julia Roten-Valdez

Recording Clerk

APPENDICES (Committee meeting minutes)

Ministry and Oversight Committee Minutes, January 12, 2016

Present were: Jeremy Nelson, Carlton Gamer and Ann Grant Martin, Clerk

We began about 11:15 with Silence and a brief check-in.

We reviewed the Minutes from our last meeting in October and discussed any lingering issues from our Threshing Session, November 18, 2016. We also considered the needs of several Friends and the ways in which we can be helpful.

We brought the email list up to date and determined who we would individually contact for our yearly Friendly Quaker calls. Ann will email those Friends we haven't seen in a long while to see if they still wish to hear from us.

Our next meeting will be Tuesday, February 6, 2016 at 11:00.

In the Light,

Ann Grant Martin, Clerk, M&O Committee

Meetinghouse Committee Meeting Minutes

January 10, 2016

This month the Meetinghouse committee met Sunday January 10, 2015 at the Meetinghouse. In attendance were Ann Daugherty and Phil Friesen.

Phil removed the snow and ice from the sidewalks and steps. Phil, we really do appreciate and are thankful for all you do for the Meetinghouse.

We also appreciate the fact that Molly is able to check on the Meetinghouse during the week.

Ann noticed a leak in the faucet where the faucet connects with the sink top in the woman's bathroom. We will continue to monitor.

Molly later texted to us that she had an idea that we should schedule three Saturday workdays one each in the Spring, Summer and Fall for painting, window washing and gardening projects. That sort of thing. We will plan for several hours on those Saturdays with potluck lunch and that way people can come and go. Then the fourth Sunday may be reserved for fairly fast, basic housekeeping.

In the Light,

Ann Daugherty

Finance Committee Meeting Minutes**

First Month, 11^th^ day, 2016

Sarah Callbeck (Bookkeeper, Treasurer, & Clerk) and Lisa Lister (Recorder) and Shasta (Sarah's dog) were in attendance. John Robey was unable to attend.

The meeting was held at Lisa's house.

We opened with silence.

We carefully reviewed all financial reports for the period ending 12-31-2015 and found all to be in good order:

  • Cash Flow Report

  • Ent Savings Detail Update

  • Current Month Planning of Available Funds

We also reviewed the final, approved budget for 2016 (attached) based on feedback given at the Twelfth Month Business Meeting. Our projections show that the Meeting may be in the red (by approximately $569) at the end of 2016 unless revenue increases. Like the Meeting, we will have faith that it will work out.

For all who financially contributed to the Meeting in 2015, year-end letters (for tax purposes) will be sent out by Sarah and will arrive before the end of January.

Once again, we discussed the refinancing of our mortgage at a lower rate via various options. This could reduce our overall costs slightly. Lisa has been in touch with Ken Miller from the FGC Meetinghouse Fund about refinancing details, and will continue to gather information. Tentatively, we hope to have the mortgage refinanced by Fall of 2016.

We closed in silence.

