Minutes for Meeting for Business**

Colorado Springs Friends Meeting

July 19, 2015

  1. In attendance Bill and Genie Durland, Lisa Lister (clerk), John Robey, Carlton Gamer, Ann Daugherty, Molly Wingate (recording clerk)

  2. Opened with a reading from IMYM Queries:

    What are we doing to recognize the varied skills and spiritual gifts of the members, attenders, and children among us? Are we tender and loving toward those with gifts different from the common place?

  3. Sixth month minutes accepted

  4. Thank Ann Martin and Carla Crescenta for the donation of two fruit trees for the front of the meeting house.

  5. Meeting House Committee report on the basement, future maintenance projects, fall projects, and planning for our refinance. Accepted the report.

  6. Ministry and Oversight Report accepted (see appendix).

    Discussion of the idea of anchor group. What might it be? Suggestion that M&O would come up with a minute. M&O is looking for ideas. Decided to do some research.

  7. Nominating Committee: Molly Wingate will take on the tasks of recording clerk and Genie Durland will replace her on nominating committee. This "trade" is until the end of the year. Discussion about the how the recording clerk and the clerk of the meeting can be the same person, and that the workload division between the recording clerk and clerk can be dynamic. The positions of clerk and recording clerk will be open starting January 2016.

  8. Finance Committee:

    Sarah Callbeck reviewed the balance sheet and budget. We did have a NEGATIVE BALANCE last month that required a transfer from our prudent reserve to bring up the balances.

    Discussion about reserving an extra \$10 per member for the IMYM assessment in light of the conversation at Yearly Meeting about the need from increased income for the Yearly Meeting.

    We decided to reserve the extra $10 a member and send it to IMYM.

  9. AFSC report. This is movement in the case of the man who is in sanctuary in Denver. And soon there will an annual meeting.


Colorado Regional Meeting will be Oct 25, 2015 weekend in Estes Park. The topic is White Privilege, which is connected to the death penalty concern.

Death Penalty information is available Colorado Against Death Penalty through Molly Wingate.

Occasional book Group will meet the 5^th^ Sunday of August, first half of The Peacable Kingdom.

Sept 13, next meeting of the Elias Hicks study group.

Lisa will reach out to Quaker Quest again to see if we can set up dates to begin this project.

Lisa worshipped in Edinburgh Meeting in Scotland reported that the meeting house was lovely and very involved in the arts. She got a new ideas for bulletin boards with information about the current organizational meetings. Also noted that they have bi-monthly business meetings.

August potluck will be to celebrate [Quetzal Gallagher][QuetzalGallagher] and [Rebecca Callbeck][RebeccaCallbeck] moving on from high school.

A comment that we might consider the practice of Portland Meeting and post a query a month in on the otherwise plain walls.

Friends, please send all financial correspondence to the meeting at

P.O. Box 2073, Colorado Springs, CO 80901-2073.

In the Light,

Molly Wingate

Recording Clerk.


Ministry and Oversight Committee Minutes, July 07, 2015

Present: Carlton Gamer, [Jeremy Nelson][JeremyNelson] and Ann Grant Martin, Clerk

We opened with spiritual silence at 11:00. After a brief check-in we reviewed the yearly Friendly conversations that we have had with members of our Meeting and regular attenders.

In addition to finding out how our Friends are we often learn of ideas that could be of benefit to our Meeting. One such idea was that of developing an "Anchor Committee", Members of an Anchor Committee can help explore and support a Friend's leading with attention to how it can fit into a larger scope.

Our next meeting will be August 4, 2015 at 11:00. We will continue to discuss our Friendly calls and query each other about our relationship to the Meeting.

In the Light, [Ann Grant Martin][AnnGrantMartin, Clerk