Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business

Colorado Springs Friends Meeting

17th day of Fifth Month, 2015

Present: Sorry, the Acting Recording Clerk forgot to note who was present.

We began with silence followed by a reading from Quaker Journals by Howard Brinton, in which Rufus Jones relates his childhood experience of family silence (p. 9-10).

The minutes from Fourth Month, 2015 were approved.

  1. Committee Reports:

    1. Meetinghouse Committee - accepted

      1. The FGC Friends Meetinghouse Fund granted us $1,000 to replace the basement windows.

      2. Because of unprecedented amounts of rain in May, there has been ongoing flooding in the basement. Furniture has been ruined and hauled away. Several Friends did a great deal of work day after day continually pumping out the water and handling the mess. For this, the Meeting thanks them all heartily.

      3. The Meetinghouse Committee has gotten and assessment from a hydro-engineer, who recommends that we install a sump pump in the floor on the basement. Even though flooding may not happen often, it was felt this problem needs as long-term fix, as this is the second time it has flooded since we moved in. Quotes for the work will be gathered.

      4. Plan for emergency response to meetinghouse issues: The Meetinghouse Committee is compiling a list of those willing to help in case of emergency. Help can be as simple as making phone calls to contractors or other Friends, being available to open the meeting house for people to work on the building, lending tools, organizing a work crew, or picking up a tool at the time of the emergency. If you are willing to receive a phone call to help out, please send tell Molly Wingate and tell her the best way to contact you and what you are willing to do.

      5. Preliminary guidelines for use of the meetinghouse were presented (see Meetinghouse Committee minutes for details). We will consider approving them at the next Meeting for Business.

    2. Ministry and Oversight Committee - verbal report accepted

    3. A report from Ministry & Oversight about the Meeting's service to an elder Friend was shared:

      This winter the Ministry and Oversight Committee was made aware of
      the desperate needs of one our elder members. Accordingly, we
      suggested that our Meeting participate in a service project to collect
      monetary and food donations for our Friend, a long-time member of our
      As a result, Friends in the Meeting brought designated groceries and
      contributed what they could. By the end of April we were able to
      deliver several items of food as well as $300.00. Two members of our
      Meeting visited at different times to deliver these goods and enjoyed
      the time with our elder Friend. She was very appreciative of our
      donations and thoroughly enjoyed the Quakerly contact. One member has
      driven our Friend on several occasions to various places that she
      needed to go.
      We will stay in closer touch with her and provide continued
      assistance as we are able.
      *In the Light, *
      *[Ann Grant Martin][AnnGrantMartin] , Clerk of Ministry and Oversight*
    4. The following annual State of the Meeting was approved and will be submitted to Intermountain Yearly Meeting:

      **State of the Meeting, May, 2015**
      The Colorado Springs Religious Society of Friends continues to
      prosper in the search for the Truth. After more than 50 years as a
      Meeting, we moved into our Meeting House in May, 2012. We remain of
      modest size but continue to slowly grow and contribute to the greater
      Quaker and Peace communities.
      Presently we have 16 members, about 16 attenders and 3 junior members
      and/or attenders. We are heartened that the number of visitors has
      increased and a few of those have become regular attenders. Two
      members transferred their membership and one withdrew.*
      Children and Young Friends are infrequent attenders. However, we do
      have a well stocked First Day School room and teachers ready to teach.
      We look forward to the time when we have a more vigorous First Day
      School program. Our adult Religious Education program recently began
      studying *The Essential Elias Hicks* by Paul Buckley.
      We have monthly work days and have continued landscaping our yard
      during those days. Our corner is looking better and better.
      Other activities include: supporting [Bill][BillDurland] and [Genie Durland][GenieDurland] sojourn
      to Pendle Hill. They were invited to be Friends in Residence for the
      spring term. [Bill][BillDurland] and [Genie][GenieDurland have also produced several plays for
      reader's theater that have been well received by the community. The
      latest play is a parody on Old Testament violence and how it fed into
      modern Middle East conflicts. In November we enjoyed Soup and Sharing.
      Held in a Friend's home, it was well attended. Our queries were *Why I
      am a Quaker, Why do I come to Meeting and What has Quakerism
      contributed to our community It was an evening that brought local
      Friends closer together. Several participated in our 5^th^ Sunday
      Occasional Book Club. In May we hosted a reader's theater performance
      of "Seeds of Change: Toward Right Relationship with America's Native
      Peoples." Several members of our meeting took part. We are very
      excited that our Meeting has come to unity about committing to the
      first stage of the QuakerQuest, *a program developed by Friends General
      Conference that is a A dynamic and transformative inreach and
      outreach process based on the experience that the Quaker way is a
      spiritual path for our time that is simple, radical, and
      We continue to prosper and benefit from the many talents and
      contributions of Friends. We look forward to continued growth and
      Spiritual Light in the coming year.
    5. Nominating Committee:

      John Robey was nominated to serve as a member of the Finance Committee. This nomination was approved with many thanks.

      The Nominating Committee is seeking a Recording Clerk for the Meeting. In the interim, Genie has agreed to fill in.

    6. Finance Committee - accepted

      We welcomed John to our Committee.

      The Cash Flow Report was discussed and gratefully accepted. We discussed our emergency reserve funds, and established that we should have sufficient funds set aside to handle repairs to the basement.

      Several people verbally stated that they planned to donate to cover QuakerQuest costs. Please earmark this donation for QuakerQuest, and give it to Sarah or Lisa. You can also put the donation in the donation box.

  2. Other Reports:

    1. Ann Daugherty reported on attending Colorado Regional Meeting in Boulder, which focused on a session on "The New Jim Crow."
  3. Old Business:

    1. The police have asked if we wish to have input on the sentencing of the man who stole our checks from the front porch of the meeting. Bill Durland has followed-up on this issue and reports that he has passed on our hope that a suitable alternative to prison might be considered. Since there are multiple charges against him (not just our theft), we do not know how much weight our statement will carry.

    2. Lisa has sent out a poll in an attempt to determine the best Saturday to hold our day-long QuakerQuest internal workshop. The following 3 dates as options for the day-long workshop Sept. 26, Sept. 12 and Oct. 3. Lisa will pass these on to the QuakerQuest team.

  4. Announcements:

    1. The adult education book study and discussion group is normally held on the 2nd Sunday at the rise of meeting. We are reading The Essential Elias Hicks. Bill and Genie are facilitating the discussion. Because of many absences during the summer, we plan to postpone the group until fall.

    2. The Meeting now has a P.O. Box at the downtown station. If you are mailing checks or important letters, please use this box address:

      Colorado Springs Friends Meeting
      c/o *the name of the person here*
      P.O. Box 2073
      Colorado Springs, CO 80901-2073
    3. Several people verbally stated that they planned to donate to cover QuakerQuest costs. Please earmark this donation for QuakerQuest, and give it to Sarah or Lisa. You can also put the donation in the donation box.

    4. We are hosting the Colorado Regional Planning Committee Meeting May

      1. Please bring potluck feed and enjoy socialized with Friends in the region before their meeting.

Submitted in the Light,

Lisa Lister, acting recording clerk


Minutes from Finance and Meetinghouse.