Minutes for Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business

Colorado Springs Friends Meeting

Fifteenth day of the second month, 2015

In Attendance: Lisa Lister, Bill Werling, Jeremy Nelson, and Ann Daugherty

Meeting opened with silence at 11:21 followed by the following reading from Faith and Practice:

Friends, meet together and know one another in that which is eternal, 
which was before the world was.
  1. Acceptance of minutes: Twelfth month and First month: approved
  2. Reports

    1. Ministry and Oversight Committee: Minutes accepted. Quaker Quest was discussed and it is a dynamic and transformative inreach and outreach program that is based on the experience that the Quaker way is a spiritual path for our time that is simple, radical, and contemporary. We will introduce this program to the Meeting as a whole at the March potluck. Email information sent prior to the March potluck will include the FGC website and the Quaker Quest link so that Friends can familiarize themselves. If Friends approve, the consideration of implementing Quaker Quest will go to the next Meeting for Business.
    2. Meeting House Committee: Verbal report accepted.


      1. $150 was spent on cleaning and repairing the gutters and this will be coordinated with the finance committee for an estimated $175 annual expense.
      2. We continue to look at refinancing the mortgage for the meeting house
      3. We are still seeking an estimate for additional electrical outlets in the meeting house.
      4. There was discussion of bartering work in exchange for use of the meeting house. This issue was tabled until more information is available.
      5. After some discussion, the clerk suggested that the Meeting House Committee develop a draft policy for use of the meeting house and it was suggested that it include at least some nominal fee for use.
        This will serve as a starting place for further discussion about meeting house usage by other groups. We are hoping to develop a clear policy that can be posted on our website.
      6. There was also a discussion about the desire to get internet and ability to display presentations (projector or large TV) as a long term goal.

        1. First Day School - no report
        2. Finance Committee: the financial report was accepted. Those present at the meeting reviewed the cash flow report. Checking balance $742.94; savings balance: 9,342.67
        3. Library: No report
        4. Nominating Committee: The following were approved:
      7. Lisa Lister to join the committee until [Molly Wingate][MollyWingate] can join in July 2015-02-13 through 12/16

      8. Carlton Game to join M&O through 12/16
      9. Ann Daugherty to serve on the Colorado Regional Planning Committee
        1. Peace and Justice Committee: No report given.
      10. Old Business - items listed in the announcements were discussed.
      11. New Business - none discussed.
      12. Announcements
    3. The play Tribal Tales will be presented May 1 and May 3, 2015 at the Cottonwood Center for the Arts Theatre. This play is a parody about violence in the Old Testament and addresses the issue of peace in the Middle East. More to follow as the date approaches.

    4. IMYM is in need of the Clerk, YFM Coordinators and the Kitchen Liaison (Contact Sarah sarahkc48@gmail.com if interested in the IMYM positions)
    5. The adult education book study and discussion group will start on March 8th (at the rise of meeting) and meet on the 2nd Sunday for several months.
      We will start with The Essential Elias Hicks. Bill and Genie will facilitate the discussion. The book is available for $13.50 from Amazon, or $15 from the FGC bookstore. Please RSVP to durlandwe@gmail.com if you will be attending.
    6. The Invention of Wings, the critically acclaimed novel about Quaker and abolitionist Sarah Grimke, will be the topic of the Occasional Book Group discussion on Sunday, March 29 at the rise of meeting. The novel is available at any Pikes Peak Library. Bring a lunch.
    7. Colorado Regional Meeting Spring Gathering, Sunday, April 26 at Boulder Friends Meetinghouse, You are invited to join us at Boulder Meeting for Worship at 10:00 AM or come at 11:30 AM for a potluck meal followed by a program focused on Developing a Quaker Response to the New Jim Crow: How can we add to the race relations discussion. Filmmaker, Polly Washburn, an attender at Mountain View Meeting, will be our resource person. Junior and Senior Young Friends from all Colorado Regional Meeting meetings are invited to an overnight at the Boulder Meetinghouse on Saturday, April 25.
    8. March potluck will be March 1. It will include discussion about Quaker Quest which is a dynamic and transformative inreach and outreach program that is based on the experience that the Quaker way is a spiritual path for our time that is simple, radical, and contemporary. We will introduce this program to the Meeting as a whole at the March potluck. Email information sent prior to the March potluck will include the FGC website and the Quaker Quest link so that Friends can familiarize themselves. If Friends approve, the consideration of implementing Quaker Quest will go to the next Meeting for Business.
  3. Closing: Meeting was closed with silence at 11:57

Submitted by Bill Werling, Recording Clerk