Minutes Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business

Colorado Springs Friends Meeting

20th day of Twelfth Month, 2015

In attendance: Lisa Lister, clerk, Molly Wingate, recording clerk, Jeremy Nelson, Sarah Callbeck, Holly Grasso, Bill Durland, Genie Durland, Carlton Gamer

  1. Silence followed

    Just silence

  2. Consideration of Eleventh month minutes: please look at the minutes online at: http://coloradospringsquakers.org/meetings/Business/2015/11


  3. Committee Reports

    1. Meetinghouse Committee

      Verbal report of activities


    2. Ministry and Oversight Committee

      No report

    3. Nominating Committee (report attached)

      Approved, clerk rc nom com, Maria Kelson as CRM nominating, Nancy Andrew, librarian

      Discussed writing job descriptions for the meeting. Lisa has collected an example of such descriptions and perhaps the new nominating committee might consider it.

      Discussion of using the file cabinet at the meeting house as a place to store meeting documents. Holly Grasso volunteered to organize our file cabinet and documents. APPROVED with glee.

      All approved.

    4. Peace and justice committee

      Verbal report about who they are getting information from. And they will distribute it and bring materials to business meeting. Also reported that the work as Colorado representative to IMYM Peace and Justice Committee has been organized to better coordinate the efforts among IMYM meeting.


      The Durlands and Sue Lauther will talk about a reorganization of the committee and come back to meeting in January for approval.

    5. Finance Committee (minutes attached)

      Review of financial reports (attached please bring your own copies)

      Accepted the financial report as presented

      Two options are being presented (attached as Budgets 2016 and 2016 revised)

      Sarah carefully explained the situation we are in financially and we have two options. Discussion about the importance of supporting other organizations and we agreed keeping that line item at $600. Our travel budget will remain at zero and roll over to 2016

      Minute 1: M & O emergency fund will be reduced to $300 henceforth.

      Approved revised budget with a deficit of $426

      ACTION: $100 to donate to national organizations

      La Puente - $50

      Mesa House - $50

      NEWS from the clerk of Finance:

      FFC has changed their withdrawal authorization policy to require two authorizations instead of just one. The second person must be serving as an officer of the meeting (clerk, treasurer, etc.). There is an Account Authorization Form, to be kept on file at FFC, and a Withdrawal Request Form that must be submitted each time we make a withdrawal.The first form needs to be completed and returned to FFC in a timely manner, then updated whenever there is a change of officer.

      It appears that we may have this already taken care of because we have two names on the bank account.

      Other Committee reports

    6. First Day School verbal report encouraging Friends to welcome children.


  4. OTHER:

    The meeting received a letter from Ed Ayres (who grew up a Friend) who has written a book titled "Dodging Dystopia: Going On with the Human Journey After Technology Fails Us." He will email the manuscript to anyone interested in reading it and then commenting on why this book would be a good choice for Quaker reading or discussion groups. Lisa has his letter and more information if anyone is interested.

  5. Announcements:

    1. 12-20-2015 Holiday Open House at Linda & Peter's on Sunday, December 20th, 2-6 pm. Bring something to share-- cookies or cheese and crackers or whatever sounds good for munchies, or wine or sparkling apple cider or...??? And if you bring it on a serving plate of some sort, that would be lovely! We'll have napkins, plates, and a bottle of champagne and some apple cider and some cookies. No need to RSVP - just come if you can. 4705 Hagerman Avenue in Cascade.

    2. 12-24-2015 Christmas eve gathering at the meetinghouse. Join us for a 30 minute worship and social time (and maybe singing). Bring treats to share if you are inspired. The meetinghouse will be lit with unscented candles. Start time is 4:00 p.m.

    3. 1-3-2016 Potluck & discussion. We will discuss the first fall query from Intermountain Yearly Meeting: IMYM Budget queries from the Finance Committee of IMYM. There is a 2-page document providing background information and asking us to consider multiple queries, all dealing with the financial health of the yearly meeting. Lisa will send this information out in advance of the Jan 3 potluck.

    4. 2-7-2015 Potuck & discussion. We will discuss the second fall query from Intermountain Yearly Meeting is on the annual gathering theme "Nurturing Spiritual Gifts and Ministry in Our Meetings."

    5. 6-5-12 through 6-12-2016 Intermountain Yearly Meeting Annual Gathering , Ghost Ranch, New Mexico. For more information, go to imym.org

    6. Martha Lutz is going to complete her adoption of Skyler in January.

    7. The adult education group will complete its discussion of the Essential Elias Hicks in January.