Present: Peter LeVar, Carlton Gamer, Linda Seger, Molly Wingate, Sarah Callbeck Lisa Lister(clerk), Jeremy Nelson
Opening silence
Lisa read an advice and query from IMYM Faith and Practice.
Advice: The heart of the Religious Society of Friends is the meeting for worship. It calls us to offer ourselves, body mind and soul, to wait in active anticipation for the revelation of the Spirit.
Query: When in meeting for worship, do I clear my mind so the Spirit has a place to enter? Do I wait in great expectancy for the Spirit to speak - through me or through another? Do I put my trust in the still small voice that I may hear?
Acceptance of Second Month Minutes:
Minutes accepted.
Committee Reports
Ministry and Oversight Committee (Minutes attached)
Nominating Committee? Jon Gallenger is stepping down as the meeting's Colorado Regional representative. Nominating Committee will be looking for a replacement.
Finance Committee (Minutes attached, plus financial reports) Sarah read the Finance Committee minutes and explained some timing issues of when checks cleared our checking account. She explained her thinking about why the Meeting has issues regarding cash flow. Sarah suggested we create a permanent travel reserve that would also help around the beginning of the year, and this was considered a good idea.
Sarah explained about how our replacement checks were stolen from being left on top of our mailing box. She noted a $15 check from Safeway and notified the bank, the printers, and the police. The old checking account was closed down and we opened a new account. The situation has been taken care.
Molly mentioned that this week the tree in the back will be removed
The meeting thanks with deep gratitude and accepted the financial reports.
Meeting House Committee (Minutes attached)
Molly mentioned that work day attendance have been sparse and encouraged Friends to make a schedule. The box alder in the back will be removed
Meeting House Committee was accepted.
First Day School - No report
Peace and Social Concerns Committee - No report
Library - No report
Old Business
The clerk has received and read a letter from Madison Friends Meeting acknowledging the transfer of Ginger Morgan's membership from our Meeting to theirs.
Lisa Lister has now transferred her membership from University Friends Meeting to Colorado Springs Friends Meeting.
Approved Minute -
Lisa Lister read her Travel Minute for Bill and Genie Durland (Appendix B at end)
New Business
The Durland's now have a blog of their Pendle Hill experiences on the IMYM website:
Roots of Injustice Workshop Boulder Friends Meeting would like to bring a workshop to our meetinghouse called "Roots of Injustice, Seeds of Change: Toward Right Relationship with America's Native Peoples." The workshop facilitator, Paula Palmer, is available to come to provide this two hour workshop the afternoon of Sunday, May 18th.
Sarah read about Young Friends camp challenge grant. The meeting agreed to make a pledge of $100 this month to be paid next month.
Closed with a moment of silence at 11:56pm
Respectively submitted in the light,
Jeremy Nelson (acting Recording Clerk)
Colorado Regional, April 27, 2014
The Colorado Springs Religious Society of Friends continues to prosper in the
search for the Truth. After more than 50 years as a Meeting, we moved into our
Meeting House in May, 2012. We remain of modest size but continue to slowly
grow and contribute to the greater Quaker and Peace communities.
Presently we have 19 Members, about 8 Attenders and 2 junior members and/or
attenders. We have had 23 visitors sign our guest book during 2013. We have had
one death of an Attender.
Except for two Junior Young Friends who live in Pueblo, we seldom have children at meeting. However, we do have a well-stocked First Day School room and teachers ready to teach. We look forward to the time when we have a more vigorous First Day School program. Our adult Religious Education program studied the Quaker Testaments.
Our Friend who was incarcerated was released in August and will finish his parole on May 1. We look forward to his return to Meeting.
In the past year we have installed ceiling fans and a new furnace.
Last April we hosted Colorado Regional and an Interfaith meeting, "Historical Peace Churches" that focused on Quaker, Mennonite and Brethren traditions. We carried on with having another "Show and Tell." Learning about individual Friend's professions or hobbies builds a stronger Quaker community. In addition to writing many articles and books, Bill Durland has several plays to his credit. Several play rehearsals were held at our Meeting House. In November, a Memorial Service was given for Kathy Ide, a long time Attender of our Meeting. On Christmas Eve we had Meeting for Worship after which we enjoyed singing Carols together. Friends regularly support our monthly "work days." We have begun landscaping our little corner in the neighborhood. Several of our Members and Attenders participate on committees that serve the greater Quaker community. We support the social justice callings of our members
Though we have challenges, the Colorado Springs Quakers benefit from the many talents and contributions of Friends. We look forward to continued growth and Spiritual Light in the coming year.
19 Third Month, 2014
Dear Friends,
Loving greetings from Friends at Colorado Springs Friends Meeting of Intermountain Yearly Meeting. Our members, Bill and Genie Durland, will be serving as Friends in Residence at Pendle Hill during the Spring 2014 term.
Bill and Genie are spiritual pillars of our small Friends Meeting. They have committed themselves to peace and social justice issues, and their lives "speak" eloquently in this regard, inspiring others with both their actions and words. They are each gifted in vocal ministry and share generously their intellectual and spiritual gifts.
We entrust Bill and Genie to your care, pleased that they will have the opportunity to participate in the life of your community, and certain that your community will come to love, respect and embrace Bill and Genie as our meeting has.
We hold Bill and Genie in our prayers and trust that God will richly bless your time together.
Lisa Lister
Colorado Springs Friends Meeting