Sixteenth Day of Second Month 2014
In Attendance: Clerk-Lisa Lister, Recording Clerk-Bill Werling, Jeremy Nelson, Sarah Callbeck, Molly Wingate and Maria Melendez.
Started at 11:29 am with Opening silence. All present indicated no objection to having the meeting audio recorded to assist in note taking
Followed by a reading from Advices & Queries from Britain Yearly Meeting:
How can we make the meeting a community in which each person is accepted and nurtured, and strangers are welcome?
Seek to know one another in the things that are eternal, bear the burden of each other's failings and pray for
one another. As we enter with tender sympathy into the joys and sorrows of each other's lives, ready to give
help and receive it, our meeting can be a channel for God's love.
Acceptance of First Month Minutes: Minutes accepted
Committee Reports
Finance Committee Meeting (Minutes-accepted and posted)
Checking ending balance: $453.90
Savings ending balance: $9649.82
No significant concerns were expressed about the current state of finances
Utility expenditures have been going down which was believed to be attributed to energy saving measures.
There was discussion about the detail in financial reporting desired at this meeting. Several members indicated that less detail would still meet the intent, while continued detailed in the written reports was greatly appreciated
Ministry and Oversight Committee (Minutes accepted and posted), Jeremy offered to clarify anything in the committees report that required it. He indicated that he was going back through the previous committee minutes to remove personal names, as this concern was raised at the last Business Meeting.
First Day School - Molly provided an oral report indicating that she was working on the room downstairs and several individuals commented very positively on her progress. Molly's plan was to start an ECO Justice class which is likely to include evening events. She plans to contact the parents of youth in the meeting to let them know.
Adult Education - it was confirmed that the Committee was laid down until a Friend feels moved to take the lead.
Peace and Social Concerns Committee - No report.
Library - No report.
Meetinghouse Committee (Oral Report given) - Meeting House has a couple of projects including making the windows fully functionality, looking at a ramp for ADA, having the tree in the back examined to determine appropriate action (trim versus cut down) and an improved front door. Meeting House committee continues to discuss the addition and is looking at ways to fund the new addition. ADA compliant project: The committee is getting a bid which will allow the clerk to apply for FGC Meetinghouse Fund grant. Report accepted with gratitude.
Nominating Committee (Oral Report given) - Molly requested that each committee chairperson clarify the terms of those on their committee as well as let the nominating committee know if there are additional needs on the committee for additional personnel. Report accepted with gratitude.
Old Business
Fall Query: response to IMYM was reportedly submitted. The clerk indicated the meeting needed a copy of what was submitted.
Doctrine of Discovery -
Boulder meeting is available to conduct workshops on the Doctrine of Discovery and Indigenous People's rights. Friends should know that there may be a minute about the Doctrine of Discovery proposed for June Gathering and meetings are encouraged to learn about it and schedule time for the powerful workshop Boulder can provide.
Maria reported feeling moved to take the lead on this project. All expressed appreciation.
New Business
a. Ginger Morgan requested in writing that her membership be transferred to the Madison Friends meeting. It was so noted on this date the 16th of February at 12:13 that her membership would be transferred with the best wishes from all.
b. It was suggested that a minute book be established to track these important events. MW indicated that she felt moved to take over this effort.
c. The clerk reminded the recorder that one paper copy of the Minutes for Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business should be maintained at the meeting house
a. Eric Moon will be giving a presentation on April 19th at Boulder Meeting, "Meeting the Testimonies Again for the First Time."
b. Woman's Annual Meeting March 14-16 Highlands Presbyterian Camp and Retreat Center, Allenspark, CO. Theme: Our Bodies, Our Selves?
c. Colorado Regional Planning Meeting, March 23rd at the Meeting House at the rise of the meeting. It will be a potluck event.
d. It was requested that we hold in the light the Friends in Utah as they are going through tough times.
a. Our website: All business meeting minutes and reports will be available on line. Our calendar of events is there also.
b. Please put events at the meetinghouse on the paper calendar on the bulletin board and let Lisa Lister and Bill Werling know. Ann Grant Martin is the calendar keeper for now and he will enter it on Google calendar so the event will be listed on our website. You can subscribe to get reminders and updates automatically.
c. If you are part of a group or know of a group who would like to use the meeting house, please have them contact Ann Martin who is excited about.
d. Friends are welcome to use the meetinghouse during the week and to open it for Sunday worship. The key to the building is always available in the lock box on the ladies' room door. We have created a one-sheet set of directions for opening and closing the building. Call Molly, [Lisa Lister][Lisa Lister], [Ann Daugherty][AnnDaugherty], Bill Werling, Peter Le Var or the Durlands for the code to open the lock box.
Closed with a moment of silence at 12:22pm.
Respectively submitted in the light (Bill - Recording Clerk)