Present: Carlton Gamer, Lisa Lister, Genie Durland, Bill Durland, Bill Werling, Molly Wingate, Ann Daughtery, Sarah Callbeck, Jeremy Nelson
Meeting started 11:31:00
William Penn quote: True godlessness doesn't turn men out of the world but enables them to live better the to live better in it and excites their endeavors to mend it.
Molly passed around a number of newsletters and announcements
Approval of February Minutes - approved with corrections.
Cash Flow Reports - Highlights from the cash flow reports. Will include Ent's savings and reserves. Last month paid utilities, mortgage, and Dex along with reimbursing Marie for the chairs. There is $630.00 in checking account $6,xxx in savings. Total building funds Friends Fiduciary and Calvert $8,xxx.
Last month did a little bit worse than last month for cash fund. Building fund reserve, $1500 left for prudent reserve for mortgage and utilities. High estimates and other expenses for getting Meeting Home ready for habituation. We have assets around $15,000. We're not broke but make sure that there is an amount that is always on hand. What is our six month of operating and expenses for the building? Some of the money is encumbered $12,000 for operating expenses. We are not doing a good job with covering $817.19 a month in expenses. $4907 for a six month reserve.
Each 3-6 months of expenses in savings for emergency, can look at cash flow that is not covering the monthly expenses. For the Meeting, a sudden drop in donations. Sarah feels that like a household, Meeting should cover day-to-day expenses with a savings reserves. Not spiritually sustainable to have Meeting running on a shoe-string. When we sent out the donation letter, do friends understand the expenses per month more than tripled when we moved into the new Meeting House? Not really, can we make an appeal to Friends about the current cash-flow situation of the Meeting.
Worship Sharing this next week on stewardship includes covering Meeting expenses, a piece putting into context of stewardship.
Friends accepted the cash flow report.
I am thrilled to see new and familiar faces at Meeting for Worship. I hope that the meeting members and attenders will participate in and support 1st Day School so that whole families are comfortable here. Asking Friends to think about volunteering.
a. Finance Committee Finance Committee suggests closing Calvert account to avoid minimum balance charges, transfer to Ent Savings. IMYM month for scholarships but current cash flow is insufficient to cover scholarships. Excess $155 assessments reserves will be used for scholarship, approved by Meeting. Three options for scholarships were keep at current level, reduce scholarship amount, or eliminated altogether. Finance Committee proposes a reduction in scholarships to $50.00 per adult and $25.00 per child. Meeting approves this reduction in scholarships. Leave up to Finance committee for exact amounts.
Also budgeted for this month $100 to national organizations and $100 donation for
camperships. Question, should we forgo disbursements to national organizations until
checking account again carries a balance that can be sustain them? Meeting approves
this Finance Committee request.
IMYM and Colorado Regional assessments. Does the Meeting consider the payment of assessments
to be voluntary or an obligation? Assessments are a Meeting obligation, each member of the
Meeting should feel obligated. IMYM Faith and Practice, for this Monthly Meeting consider this
obligation and not voluntary. Meeting agrees, and feels this is obligation. Flexibility should
be for Meeting to pay expenses. Are we obliged to cover all members of the Meeting? Yes. Should
the finance committee cover this year's assessment. Finance committee asks M&O during annual
contact with these members, inquire if they wish to remain on the Meeting's roster.
Meeting accepts Finance Committee report.
* Ad hoc Fund Raising Committee $600.00 so far in contributions from letter.
b. Nominating Committee
No written report, Meeting stewardship position. Move forward, [Bill Werling] would be willing
to temporary serve, waiting to hear back from a Friend about being the more permanent steward
position. Not taking care of the Meeting House, stewards calendar and coordinates screens potential
lessors. Meeting trusts the judgment of the steward to make arrangements if
Meeting accepts the report.
c. Ministry and Oversight State of the Meeting report along with Worship Sharing. Sarah wondered if M&O could do the census from now on, suggests that Sarah talk to Ann.
d. First Day School Committee
No report.
e. Adult Education and Action Committee Didn't meet in March and next meeting is the second Sunday in April. Three members of the Meeting are involved in the JPC Middle East project. Would like to see more people in the Israeli-Palestine conflicts including a monthly movie. Action opportunities for the meeting are encouraged.
f. Meeting Home No specific requests. Wiring being checked for insulation in the roof along with fans. Next work day the fence will go. Can we wait on the room screens until finances are improved. Going forward painting, landscaping, and fencing and other projects for the summer.
Looking for volunteers for landscaping projects. Keep restrooms and door to the shed closed.
Meeting approves report.
g. Library Report
No report.
a. Panel on Historic Peace Churches - Bill Durland was planning on arranging a panel of speakers for the end of April. Bill will find out proposed times, and will get back to Clerk possible looking at May, may be too late for an April session.
b. Reminder of Worship Sharing, March 20th 6:30 PM, bring a snack to share afterwards.
c. Update on the repeal of the death penalty in Colorado. We supported Coloradans for Alternative to the Death Penalty in November. Friday night, a bill to repeal the death penalty was introduced in the State House of Representatives. Before Tuesday would be a good time to make your opinion known to your state legislator. Contact information on the library table.
a. La Puente in Alamosa. We have supported them with hygiene kits in the past and they really need some now. Are we interested in putting this project together again? La Puente Home Shelter is in immediate need of Hygiene Kits. Please deliver to 913 State Avenue. For more information, call 719-589-5909.
Request who is interested in following up with La Puente and
[Ann Daughtery][AnnDaughtery] will follow-up for the Meeting.
b. Colorado Springs will be the host of the Spring gathering of Colorado
Regional Meeting April 28th, 2013. [John Gallagher][JohnGallagher] will
take care of the program for the children. Sarah Callbeck
agreed to make sure we have enough supplies for serving and eating a meal.
We need one more person to help with hospitality.
Colorado Regional Meeting call is attached and on the library table. The theme
is E-Quake!
c. Restricted donations, have a request to support Vicki Eldredge, if individuals want to make a specific donation on the check, make sure memo on check reflect restrictions.
a. FWCC event in Denver with Mountainview Meeting and Denver Friends Church.
Friends from Cuba will be presenting. Info on the library table.
b. On Wednesday May 1st, Molly Wingate and Marti Woodward will give a presentation "How to Talk So Your Teenager Will Listen." 6:30-8:30 at the Meetinghouse. Donations welcome.
c. IMYM Annual Gathering Ghost Ranch, NM June 6-16, 2013. Registration is OPEN!
d. Friends General Conference, Greeley, CO June 30-July 6th (more info:
e. Request from the nominating committee of IMYM regarding the need for coordinators for Junior Yearly Meeting in 2014/15.
f. Bill thanks Friends ad hoc clearness committee for AFC, good advice and helped him in his dealings at AFC.
Meeting closed in silence at 1:10pm
Respectfully submitted in the Light,
Recording Clerk