In Attendance: Bill Durland, Genie Durland, Sarah Callbeck, Ginger Morgan (clerk), Jennifer Roberts Joyce Doyle, Carlton Gamer, Molly Wingate, Jeremy Nelson
Open Worship in Silence at 11:29 a.m.
Approval of April minutes Sarah will email Jeremy with changes/updates to the April Minutes.
Page 3, Bill's updated in minutes, meant that Molly can be on more than just the Nominating committee.
Cash Flow Report Lots of activity in money going out. Pride center rent for two months. IMYM support for Mortgage payment, utility payment, bill for new electrical box. We did have donations, net to checking is \$3,544.27.
Business saving account, the building fund with all of the activity. Deposits in including transfer from Calvert and money out to pay electrical bill. Net \$7,830.50 net savings altogether \$8,400.09. Calvert total building funds and other accounts \$26,752.
Committee Reports:
a. Finance Committee Lisa noted that listing in Friends Journal cost extra \$22 for website line for a \$110 total. Committee feels Lisa updated with new address of Meeting Home. Lisa has been paying mortgage by check, looking for automatic bill pay.
Implications of owning building includes having a enough in
reserve for a new furnace and will be closely monitoring cash
flow for the next few months. Need to prepare to cover insurance
[Genie](/Friends/GenieDurland/) said that something needs to be
done about the building acoustics that need to be addressed in
the very near future. [Meeting House](/committees/MeetingHouse/)
committee should take up this issue. [Meeting
House](/committees/MeetingHouse/) committee will contact
[Finance Committee](/committees/Finance/) about costs.
Immediate things to adjust in the budget are \$477 for mortgage,
utilities \$200 a month, insurance premium, \$99 a month for a
total \$776.00 outflow.
Committee will be redoing the budget and present at the June
Business Meeting.
*Question to Business Meeting*: Ask Friends if dedicated
building pledges can end of May by the beginning of June.
Committee will contact meeting, [Lisa](/Friends/LisaLister/)
will be sending out an email to other Friends requesting change
in donation. Let donors decide about. Finance Committee we have
a lot of needs, asking those who designated building funds to
more general Meeting funds. The letter the committee is sending
out will include details about this request. Would like to have
flexibility before starting new budget.
b. Nominating Committee Molly has been nominated to accept the clerkship of the meeting starting July 1st. This will be seasoned until June 2012. Ginger has a year-and-half in her term. Friends are asked to volunteer
c. Ministry and Oversight Peter and Linda have been busy this past month and M&0 did not formally meet.
Directory we were assigned, would like to be approved and then
make people aware that working list along a document PDF of the
[Bill](/Friends/BillDurland/) asked two former members of M&O,
[Carlton](/Friends/CarltonGamer/) and
[Genie](/Friends/GenieDurland/), to join to handle
[Val](/Friends/ValPhillips/) about transferring membership to
the meeting.
All clerks for committees have a calendar of events.
Coordinating with census and assessments are two events for M&O
including [State of the Meeting](/meetings/2012/StateOfMeeting/)
The clerk asked that [Julie Brann](/Friends/JulieBrann/) be
included in the attenders list along with
[Jennifer](/Friends/JenniferRoberts/)'s contact information.
d. Meeting House The meeting hasn't formally meet yet. Ann, Daniel, Jonathan and Martha, are coordinating landscaping. Molly is going off committee and she is interested in the long-term of health of this project. We need more people, Molly encourage friends to volunteer. Report two very good volunteer days in the past month. Had 11-12 people on clean-up day. 6-8 people for moving day. Molly happy that when call goes out, friends responds.
Murphy Construction is finishing up some minor things, but have
[Ann](/Friends/AnnDaugherty/) has agreed to be the contact
person for all contractor. She is working with the building's
previous owners insurance company to pay for the roof. The
previous owner's insurance company is putting some limits but
[Ann](/Friends/AnnDaugherty/) and lawyer are working on this
matter. The roof determined to be priority when we moved in;
committee needs to figure this out because the roof is in bad
Do we have \$1,500 for the roof, it may require this additional
amount. [Molly](/Friends/MollyWingate/) asking about
heating/cooling priorities for Meeting? Reserve money for
replacing the heater if we don't include air conditioning.
\$8,000 in waiting with \$2,000 in Calvert. We are very happy to
report that initial work to make this building safe is completed
and came under budget. We have smoke and carbon monoxide
detectors and new electrical work.
Look in June meeting for a revised estimate/recommendation for
prudent reserve to cover replacing heater minus air
conditioning? Friends will determine what to with prudent
[Sarah](/Friends/SarahCallbeck/) request that as soon as new
revised furnace reserves numbers be forward to Fiance committee.
[Jennifer](/Friends/JenniferRoberts/) is interested in internal
decorating and acoustics and joining the committee.
[Molly](/Friends/MollyWingate/) suggested to help address the
acoustic issues by shrinking the size of the circle to a double
circle and adding another rug. An email be send out about
Friends Acoustics are an urgent priority, look at temporary
measures until a permanent solution is found.
[Bill](/Friends/BillDurland/) noted that visitors may be put out
by the meeting house that the sounds and acoustics problems.
e. First Day School Committee [EMAIL GINGER about her email to John] Need to be reorganized to plan First Day school. Schedule does not seem to functioning, we will ask John Gallenger to take the lead to coordinate sessions and contact schedules. This summer may be different from regular session during the year.
Young friends will be in charge of decorating the room for First
day school in the basement.
f. Adult Religious Education and Social Action Committee Finishing up this month along with a summary of the Quaker testimonies along with a review of new pamphlet.
Committee will meet sometimes in August for next September's new
education session.
Ginger will be doing a session on membership for attenders in
early June.
Genie is unclear where Friends can meet for the education
committee. For the time being, the main room's acoustics will
make it hard to run a class for now meet in YF basement room.
g. Library Library is here in three parts; non-children stuff, all of the kids material is in the basement YF room. The filing cabinet in the hallway with a new bookcases for collection.
[Molly](/Friends/MollyWingate/) requests that any donations be
cleaned before bring to the meeting.
Old Business
New Business
a. Request from Gardner study group to become under the care of the meeting
b. DeeDee's daughters will be in town June 24 and request memorial meeting. June 24 is also for Ginger's going away 9:30 memorial service and roll into Meeting for Worship at 10:00 with the party afterwards.
[Genie](/Friends/GenieDurland/) asked if we should a dedicated
time during Meeting for Worship for late friends to come into
the meeting. For next week, request Friends to wait until
memorial service is finished, before coming into the Meeting for
[Carlton](/Friends/CarltonGamer/) wondered about expectations of
DeeDee's family for memorial services and should be an hour and
start at 9:00? Is Memorial service a formal Memorial Meeting?
Yes. [Martha](/Friends/MarthaLutz/) will be consulting with
DeeDee family about their desires.
Balance between openness and hospitality but still encourage
Friends to arrive on time. Need balance between the two and M&O
will take this matter for consideration.
Coordinate with DeeDee's family about options of first having
Meeting for Worship. Maybe if we could have a different day of
the week for DeeDee's memorial? [Martha](/Friends/MarthaLutz/)
will be following up with DeeDee's family about their wishes.
Maybe Saturday or Monday? [Ginger](/Friends/GingerMorgan/) will
ask the family.
c. June's Business Meeting is scheduled when people are coming back from IMYM. Should be 10th or 17th? Molly won't be here on the 17th, Ginger recommends that Meeting for Business on the 10th. Friends are encouraged to send committee reports by Monday or Tuesday.
d. Molly asks if we should have our own phone number, wired or not, for the building? Carlton asked if the new addition will have an office? Plans are still up and designs can modified. Meeting House committee will undertake this matter.
[Bill](/Friends/BillDurland/) added that Quaker Meeting
traditionally open to other groups including neighbors, to use
the space. [Carlton](/Friends/CarltonGamer/) asked if we should
have an open house for this neighborhood? Yes, and another
matter for the Meeting House committee for consideration.
Meeting closed in silence at 12:58 pm.
Respectively submitted in the light,
Recording Clerk