In Attendance: Ginger Morgan (clerk), Carlton Gamer, Sarah Callbeck, Bill Durland, Genie Durland, Molly Wingate , Peter LeVar, Barbara Bowen, Jeremy Nelson (recording clerk), Joyce Doyle, Brian Murphy,
Open Worship in Silence at 11:30am Ginger opened with two quotes from IMYM's Faith and Practice:
"I always go to monthly meeting becauses if I don't, they usually end up doing some darn thing or other"
Barney Aldtrich
"For it is corporate Truth or Light for which Friends labor together, not the proof or justification of the rightness of any particular position.
Nancy Springer
Approval of February minutes
Molly noted the improper misuse of Forth in minutes.
In the cashflow report the total is \$42. Also, we eon't pay assessments for attenders. Sarah will send edits regarding the Finance Committee report to the Recording Clerk.
Cash Flow Report
Sarah hopes Friends have had a chance to review this Month's cash flow report. The report is the status of the accounts at the end of February with \$4,781 in checking and savings with \$2,313.12. There is \$65,989.88 in the building account. In the cash flow and other reports, Sarah has made some slight changes to the reserves with the Library and First Day School can now draw from \$59.88 reserves. In the building fund, since end \$45,000 moved from Calvert to Ent Savings in anticipation on closing on the Meeting House. This is setting the stage to be prepared, with \$40,000 ready to be wired to Empire Title Account on Monday. There is still \$16,000 left in Calvert account.
Committee Reports:
a. Finance Committee Report
Good deal of meeting was [Ann](/Friends/AnnDaugherty/) bringing
committee up to date on CimmarronProperty. Finance committee
ordered Quickbooks and it has been received. Assessment letters
will be emailed to Members in April. National distribution is
this month, If Friends are planning to attend IMYM and need
financial assistance, please send requests to
[Lisa](/Friends/LisaLister/), Friends need to register with IMYM
for possible additional assistance from IMYM scholarship. We
hope to increase this assistance from last year's amount of
[Lisa](/Friends/LisaLister/) passed around list of organization
for donations for national disbursement. Asked about [Friends of
Seville](/), [Bill](/Friends/BillDurland/) responded that this
was a Christian/Palestinian peace organization will worth our
support. [Molly](/Friends/MollyWingate/) suggested we support
[Western Friend](, [Friends of
Seville](/), and [Friends
Discussed was spliting evenly the \$100 between three
organizations with \$33.33, \$33.33, \$34.33 or a \$35, \$35,
\$30 split. Agreement was made among friends for evenly split of
the donation between the three organizations.
b. Ministry and Oversight
i. Transfer of Membership for Deb Gimpelson / [Jeremy
Nelson](/Friends/JeremyNelson/) complete, received paperwork
for both transfers.
[Bill](/Friends/BillDurland/) and
[Sarah](/Friends/SarahCallbeck/) pulled together Yearly
census. [M&O](/committees/MinistryAndOversight) had a warm
meeting with [Peter](/Friends/PeterLeVar/),
[Martha](/Friends/MarthaLutz/), and
[Linda](/Friends/LindaSeger/). They covered a number topics,
reported to Business meeting the topics that aren't held in
Deb wishes to removed from Meeting email list and from
ii. Update on charge for proposed Adult Religious Education and Social Action Committee
[Bill](/Friends/BillDurland/) reported on charge for [Adult Religious Education and Social Action](/committees/REA) with three possibilities for reorganization. Business meeting already rejected the option for combining the Education committees. [M&O](/committees/MinistryAndOversight) suggested name the name change to, [Adult Religious Education and Social Action](/committees/REA) committee and they also consider a need for a clerk for this committee. [M&O](/committees/MinistryAndOversight) approved the structure for the new committee. A question: what would be the charge for new committee? Two functions, continue presentations and programs for adult education keep meeting apprised of social action of Friends and opportunities. No suggestion of any mandatory nature of [Adult Religious Education and Social Action](/committees/REA). Friends suggested the need for a written charge to allow the committee to move forward. [Bill](/Friends/BillDurland/) asked if this discussion means charge was met. [M&O](/committees/MinistryAndOversight) with good encouragement and grateful for work, suggest that this committee go forward. [Genie](/Friends/GenieDurland/) indicated her willingness to serve as clerk of this committee.
c. Meeting Home
i. Report on 950 E. Cimmarron
[Brian](/Friends/BrianMurphy/) started off with a short synopses of where we are in the contract process. Seller offers a price for what they would ideally like and then the next step is coming up with a counter-offer and then a tentitive agreement, buyers and sellers will go into contract, including a physical inspection of property and review of title. Parties come back together and decide what to do from here. A few choices for this property. A number of options ranging from rejection of deal, to accept the Seller's initial offer as-is, or somewhere in between. Often buyers will come back with a list of things for the seller. We are at the stage to tell seller what we would like to have seller address. With the Seller setting the asking price means they know that the building is not pristine. For the title commitment report to get title insurance, with any exceptions by the title company. [Brian](/Friends/BrianMurphy/) talked about one exception for restriction, photocopy of hand-written deed, unreadable. Title company was certain this was original 1906 Church of Christ, property been in the seller hands for over 100 years. One restriction was that there be no organ music or no festivals not sanctioned by New Testaments. It is within seller's power to remove restrictions from seller. [Bill](/Friends/BillDurland/), as an attorney, asked about the removal of these restrictions in order to clean-up title. It is also important to remove these restrictions if we want for to rent out building for concerts or other events. [Ann](/Friends/AnnDaugherty/), [Julie](/Friends/JulieRoten-Valdez/), [Molly](/Friends/MollyWingate/), and [Carlton](/Friends/CarltonGamer/) meet earlier in the week. The electrical box needs replacement, the building is missing a gutter, there is not any heat in basement, and the sprinklers need to be fixed. The Meeting Home Committee doesn't know what it will require to upgrade electrical box. Original box does not enough power to microwave and coffee maker at the same time and doesn't have any fuses. We are getting bids for lowering and replacing the current electrical box, we want it out of way for any future additions. The Meeting House committee doesn't know price for a new box. It will cost \$45 to fix the sprinkler head. There is no heat in basement and the current heater is dangerous. It will cost \$345 to remove the gas heater. Don't plug anything. To install gutter and downspout will cost \$500. For the purpose of the contract with seller, the committee is asking for lower purchasing price by the seller for the basement heater, electrical box, and sprinklers. The roof is in bad shape, the seller's insurance company will replace roof for a \$1000 deductible. The roof options are; patch the roof, or pay the \$1000 deductible for a new roof, \$12-15,000 for new roof. Buyer will write a check for \$1000, we have \$2,000 in expenses, the committee asked for a reduction of the purchase price by seller. The Meeting Home committee asserts that the electrical box is dangerous and seller reduce price. We could rightful expect that dangerous or fire hazard need fixed. [Bill](/Friends/BillDurland/) asked about the original price of \$95,000. Is the price reduction in line with spiritual Quaker testimonies. In the first instance we agreed on a fair price, but we don't bargain on price. [Brian](/Friends/BrianMurphy/) responded that after inspection, a legitimate buyer should expect certain things to be fixed. Things we could reasonable believe that should work, money that needs to be spents to make property usable at all but we don't want the sellers to fix. We should expect some reduction of the purchase price to allow us to use property as expected. Difference between bargaining and more information about fairness of price? Meeting Home committee, Meeting Group reduce purchase price to reflect our good faith counter-offer is a different amount to bring the building up to state that we can use as a Meeting Home. Some subjectivity, getting an asking price for lower because of condition of building. [Peter](/Friends/PeterLeVar/) noted the subjectivity in meaning, is that their asking a lower price means the Seller knowns what is going on with the building? The initial asking price is what the seller thinks market will accept and given the building and restrictions, only a church could purchase this property for its usage. [Peter](/Friends/PeterLeVar/) asked the second part of his question, could the seller be surprised by inspection results? [Brian](/Friends/BrianMurphy/) responded that who knows what could surprise seller? There has been quite a bit of deferred maintenance. Seller could be unaware of the amount of stuff that needed to fixed. [Genie](/Friends/GenieDurland/) then asked the question; have the sellers been used building recently? Seller could reject our offer. [Bill](/Friends/BillDurland/) first proposed a minute that the Meeting House and the clerk have the flexiblity to negotiate for the Meeting. Quakers historical haven't bargained. [Carlton](/Friends/CarltonGamer/) then said this is different because we are discussing the usability of building to the congregation this isn't bargaining as is typical of commercial dealings but that factual things about building needs each party to understands what transaction is about. We make counter-offer based on based on the findings of inspection, accommodated repairs to the sellers. The \$2,000 doesn't include the electrical work estimate. Our usability is different than current owners, nobody has used the basement for years. [Sarah](/Friends/SarahCallbeck/) commented that our usability of building will be all over including basements and that other groups will need to the rent building. We need it to be in good condition. Ginger asked for a moment of silence so we could reflect and breathe. [Bill](/Friends/BillDurland/) returned to providing the [Meeting Home](/committees/MeetingHouse) flexibility if the seller refuses our counter-offer that the committee have authority to make a decision before next Business Meeting. What are our options are moving forward? [Peter](/Friends/PeterLeVar/), speaking as a health professional, stated that the basement hasn't been used in a while and it be difficult to use for people with respiratory problems.
Could it be possible to come up with estimate, we need to be careful of not losing sight of our goal. It is important we articulate all of the issues and ask for consideration for them from the seller. Maybe we'll split value of considerations; for example, if the total is \$5,000 to do the repairs, we would responsible for \$2,500 with an additional \$1,000 for the roof for lowering counter-offer.
The second issue is deal with the situation if the heater breaks down. Heater looks to be in good shape but it can't be repaired if breaks but needs to be replaced. What would it take toheat building if the current heater fails? Any new heater should be sufficient for a possible addition. The request is that the Meeting hold \$8,000 for a heater reserve. Our current prudient reserves is on the assumption we won't bring in any money for a year, with no contributions by Friends.
We have a some flexiblity in this number for heater reserve.
Meeting Home recommends that Meeting accept financing, we will finance \$57,000 at 8% for 20 years. Within 5 years, we need to refinance. Our mortgage will \$476.77 a month. In five years, the amount to refinance is \$50,000. Reason for 8% because lender is not a bank, no one else loan to us. With no personal guarantees, this is thebest we can do. How much money we bring and what is the mortgage? \$285.00 a month is currently being donor allocated for the building fund and we pay \$100 a month to the Pride center for a total of \$395. There is some gap between \$476 and \$395. Barbara has no concerns about purchasing building.
Meeting Home committee then talked about how we can bring the building up to what we want. Renovation done in mind of Quaker testimonies. External architect proposed two different ideas:
\$32,000 with kitchen and bathrooms in the back
\$21,000 with kitchen in current bastimal.
We wanted to know what it cost but we can't do either one of them. Is the Meeting okay with outdoor access to bathrooms for the next five years. We might provide a umbrella for Friends use. Can Friends use restrooms as they are for up to the next five years. The Meeting is unity and it is not an obstacle for us to use restroom for up to the next five years.
Genie asked if we can cover both rent payment and mortgage during? We can with prudient reserve and the first mortgage payment isn't due until a month after contract signed.
Next, a crime report was presented by Carlton. He said it was nice to talk to police as purchaser of church. Police have 7-10 day turnaround for crime report but there is website with neighborhood crime statistics. He looked at crime calls in the neighborhood within two blocks in every direction. In past month there were 37 police calls, 18 had to do with suspicious persons or disorderly conduct, 11 property crimes, and 4 violent calls near Prospect lake on the opposite side of Hancock. Fairly normal neighboorhood. In the summer calls go up, with 50% calls have to do disorderly conduct and 25% with property. Compare with other neighboorhood. Went to Pride center, crime report. No calls around Pride center, 1 burglary call in the past month. Along Platte and Pikes Peak, a plethora of calls. Pride center and the church property are equivalent.
Joyce lived in neighboorhood for past 12 years, and she hasen't personal experienced any crime, only a couple of noise complients. Up until 1990s, this was a bad neighboorhood with crack houses and murders. Part of what neighborhood committee did was bring in Police to saturate and cleaned up neightberhood. Joyce never heard of anything wrong, primary residential verse commercial. Quakers will contibute to the improvement of the neighborhood.
Approval of \$1,000 for new roof deductible and new gutters only if Meeting approves and goes forward with purchase of Meeting? Yes.
Question asked about building fund? Up to \$12,000-23,000 after down-payment without the prudent reserve. Genie suggested that Brian invoice us for his services with a in-kind donation in bookkeeping, useful for grants. We would need to cover any closing expenses.
Bill suggested we create a new holiday, St. Murpheygate for every March Sundays in the future. He also commended Ginger's diligence and faith, clearly and simplify this process and we all are deeply appreciate of Molly's efforts as well. Ginger invited us to join in celebratory silence with a whoop of celebration afterwards.
We are interested in moving forward with this property? Yes.
In unity about adjusting offer price by Friends counter lower price given our discussion? Yes.
Do we have approval with the Clerk, Meeting Home committee, and Brian to adjustment price? Yes. If the seller balks at adjustment, sense of Friends to go further with current selling price or should we continue to go further? No wiggle room? Flexibility and area of negotiation, clarity of Meeting?
Meeting Home recommends that committee have the flexility to lower purchase price by what ever amount they feel proper to lower or move forward with the initial price? If the price is the same, we have enough to make building usable, other major upgrades depends on funding. We can do some renovations but not all. Approve worst scenario of 96,000 or flexiblity to reduce price? Clerk has the right to sign on behalf of Meeting. Clarity and unity among Clerk and Meeting Home committee. Approve and reach unity move forward in flexiblity to reduce offer price or pay up to full amount including new roof.
Meeting Home recommends we reserve \$8,000 for new heater just in case. Yes. Bill complimented clerk and meetings in the process, one of the best processes he has seen. One thing to help create, Bill very impressed with Home Committee thoroughness and clarity in a complex situation with multiple changes.
Sarah would like to meet with Meeting Home committee about how to reserve for furnace. A deep dept of gratitude was expressed towards Molly, Carlton, Julie, Brian, and Ann with Murphy Constuction for their work as well. Closing could happen this week. Finance and Meeting Home committees have conversations after closing of house.
d. Education Committee
> Suspend next week's [First Day](/committees/Education) school > for spring break. Suggest breaking up Education committee > reports.
e. Library
Acknowledge [Ginger](/Friends/GingerMorgan/)'s donation of five books, and [Bill](/Friends/BillDurland/) and [Genie](/Friends/GenieDurland/) donation of a book on Rufus Jones.
- Old Business
i. Consideration of purchase of 950 E. Cimmarron
New Business
Look at Rufus Jones and other Quakers for April's topic of Adult Religious Education and Social Action committee. Not just a course for next years, but also have outside programs with guest speakers. Clerk will work on this matter.
Book group will meet for a session, Molly has more details.
Meeting closed with celebratory silence at 1:23pm.
Respectfully submitted in the light,
Jeremy Nelson
Recording Clerk