Minutes for Meeting for Worship for Business October 2012

Tenth month, 2012

Present: Ann, Bill, Genie, Sarah, Carlton, Lisa (acting recording clerk) and Jeremy (acting clerk).

We opened with silence. Jeremy read a passage from The Heart of Aikido: The Philosophy of Takemusu Aiki by Morihei Ueshiba.

Approval of September Minutes

We approved the September minutes, with corrections suggested by Sarah.

Cash Flow Report (attached) was reviewed by Sarah accepted with thanks.

Clerk's report

The Open House was fun, and the Clerk supports Bill Werling's suggestion that we hold one every six months.

Carlton's Show and Tell: It looks like most people would be able to attend an evening event on Monday or Friday night. Several people would be willing to talk about what they do and several just wanted to listen. Molly will schedule the event in November or December.

Committee Reports

A. Finance Committee (attached)

Will be paying for work done by Fountain Valley for baseboard
heaters in the bathrooms and outlets in the basement. This has now
been paid. Stewardship letters will go out soon. We are setting
aside assessments and insurance payments in a separate account, so
we have this money available to pay these items when they come due.
The report was gratefully accepted.

B. Nominating Committee

[Genie Durland](/Friends/GenieDurland/) has agreed to return to
Nominating for a while in the absence of [Jonathan
McPhee](/Friends/JonathanMcPhee/). [Bill
Werling](/Friends/BillWerling/) will remain on the committee. We
approved [Genie](/Friends/GenieDurland/) as a new member.

C. Ministry and Oversight

This committee has not met since August, but will meet soon.
[Bill](/Friends/BillDurland/) wondered if we need to designate
specific people as "early comers" to make certain that the meeting
house is open a bit before 10:00. (Today there were visitors, and
the Meeting House was not yet open). No decision was made, but
perhaps M&O could consider?

D. Adult Religious Education and Action Committee

[Genie](/Friends/GenieDurland/) had agreed to be the AFSC liaison,
and in the role, will bring information to the Meeting. The "We
Divest" campaign (boycott/divestment actions) one issue that AFSC is
concerned with. They suggest that Meetings consider writing a minute
of support about this issue. Attached is a more detailed report
which was sent to Colorado Regional. [Genie](/Friends/GenieDurland/)
will draft a minute regarding support of AFSC's campaign which we
will consider for approval at the Eleventh Month Business Meeting.
The Clerk of Finance Committee ([Sarah](/Friends/SarahCallbeck/))
will write a letter to Friends Fiduciary thanking them for their

E. First Day School report

[Sarah](/Friends/SarahCallbeck/) reports that on Nov. 4 there will
be a First Day School parent and child meeting/pizza party at the
Meeting House.

F. Meeting Home Committee (attached)

Progress on various building projects was reported.

We approved having another open house in April. There was reluctance
expressed to do this permanently every six months, but those present
felt that another Open House would be good.

If anyone has an extra space heater, we could use another one in the

Those present felt that the acoustics are better, although not

The FGC Friends Meeting House Fund has received our application for
grant money to help cover the cost of a new furnace. They will meet
on Nov. 17, so we should be hearing news soon. In addition,
[Molly](/Friends/MollyWingate/) has approached Fort Collins Meeting
about a potential matching grant.

We received a tax bill for the property. Brian Murphy and
[Ann](/Friends/AnnDaugherty/) are working on getting an exempt
status from the state. The fee to do this will be \$175.

G. Library Report

[Joyce](/Friends/JoyceDoyle/) has put new labels in all our library
books with our new address.

Other discussion

We discussed the fact that a visitor went down into the basement during Meeting looking for the bathroom. Lisa will make two signs: One for the bathrooms and one for "Religious Education."

Do we need a "steward" of the building, especially once we have other groups using the building? There are times when the building will be used without charge, such as an event or group that is an extension of the Meeting's work (such as the War Tax resisters).

Bill commented that the Meeting seems to be in accord with one another when it comes to the new Meeting House, and we are all grateful for this equanimity.

New Business

Genie wondered if we should email guests and just thank them for coming. (They visited Palo Alto Meeting, and they received an email later, which they felt was very kind). Ann has agreed to do this for the Meeting.


Jeremy plans to go live with our new web site in mid-November. Jeremy will send a link out for everyone to review. He would appreciate your comments and suggestions. People can have their own pages if they like, so if you want to send Jeremy information about yourself for your personal page, please do.

We closed in silence.

In the Light,

Lisa Lister

Acting recording clerk