Minutes for Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business

December 11, 2011

Attending: Bill and Genie Durland, Deb Chitwood, Jeremy Nelson, Joyce Doyle Molly Wingate (recording clerk), Carlton Gamer (clerk), Ginger Morgan, Lisa Lister

Opening Reading:

For Friends the most important consideration is not the right action in itself but a right inward state out of which right action will arise. Given the right inward state, right action is inevitable. Inward state and outward action are component parts of a single whole.

  1. Approval of November Minutes

    Approved as written.

  2. Cash Flow Report

    All of our bank accounts are now with ENT Credit Union; we are cleared out of Wells Fargo Bank. There is a full report attached.

  3. Committee Reports:

    a. Finance Committee - Lisa Lister presented the final budget for 2012.

     Since the proposed budget was presented, we have gotten more
     pledges, and we now can fully fund the proposed budget. Thank
     you, Friends, for supporting the Meeting. We are urged to
     remember that the travel budget line is not fixed. We can
     always rearrange the budget and find more, if needed. The 2012
     budget was approved.
     Local donations: Suggestions were made for Mesa House, Justice
     and Peace Commission, Mountain Friends Camp. It was decided to
     give \$100 to each.

    b. Nominating Committee - Genie Durland presented the nominations.

     -   [Ginger Morgan](/Friends/GingerMorgan/)  Clerk
     -   [Molly Wingate](/Friends/MollyWingate/) and [Jonathan
         McPhee](/Friends/JonathanMcPhee/) Nominating
     -   [Carlton Gamer](/friends/CarltonGamer/) Meeting Home
     Discussion ensued about the former Religious Education and
     Action Committee that has de facto withered.
     [Ginger](/Friends/GingerMorgan/) mentioned that [Ministry and
     Oversight](/committees/MinistryAndOversight/) has talked about
     the spiritual health of the meeting and suggested that we
     discuss the ideas for religious education and action in a
     potluck. [Joyce](/Friends/JoyceDoyle/) added that she would
     welcome a focused action from Friends that would be part of
     our community. We discussed reinstituting the name of the
     [Religious Education and Action](/committees/REA/) Committee
     and adding the members and a charge later.
     We gratefully accepted the nominations as presented and we ask
     each committee to reflect on their configuration and what is
     needed to complete their charge. The [nomination
     committee](/committees/Nominating/) will work each committee
     to ensure that committee have what the personnel they need.
     [Ministry and Oversight](/committees/MinistryAndOversight/)
     will season the idea of Religious Education and Action
     Committee and bring that deliberation back to the meeting for
     We also approved [John Gallagher](/Friends/John%20Gallagher)
     to serve as our representative to the Colorado Regional
     Meeting's Continuing Committee.

    c. Ministry and Oversight

    [M&O](/committees/MinistryAndOversight/) contacts all members in
    inquire as to their affiliation with the meeting. There are some
    who are, for better or worse, missing in action.
    [Ginger](/Friends/GingerMorgan/) asked for feedback about some
    people. We may not have good contact information for Hal and Deb
    Gimpelson in New Zealand. IN the case of Deneen Crandall, we
    have lost track of where she is and haven't had any contact with
    her, but we have gotten assessment money from her. Charles Stoy
    was grateful for contact the meeting some years ago, but
    [Ginger](/Friends/GingerMorgan/) has not gotten any response
    from contacts him recently. [Ginger](/Friends/GingerMorgan/)
    expressed that she is unclear about keeping Charles on the list
    of members. We are concerned to proceed carefully and
    thoughtfully. We urged [M&O](/committees/MinistryAndOversight/)
    to continue to try make contact, get updates from Deneen and
    Charlie, and to get good contact information for Hal and Deb.
    [Connie Williams](/Friends/ConnieWilliams/) wishes to stay
    affiliated with our meeting, even though Buena Vista Worship
    Group has been laid down. We approved the following minute.
     After communication with Connie Williams, we have learned that
     the Buena Vista Worship Groups is no longer meeting. [Colorado
     Springs Meeting](/) therefore lays down our care for that
     workshop group and retains [Connie](/Friends/ConnieWilliams/)
     as a member.

    d. Education Committee

    We are thankful that [Jeremy Nelson](/Friends/JeremyNelson/) has
    offered to help with [First Day School](/committees/Education/),
    and we welcome anyone who wishes to join the ranks of teachers,
    occasionally or on a regular basis.

    e. Meeting Home Committee

    We will be holding a special session to discuss lessons learned
    from the process regarding 15 S. Wahsatch and to give the
    [Meeting Home Committee](/committees/MeetingHome) direction on
    Wednesday, December 14th from 5-7 PM at the Women's Club
    building, 20 Mesa Road. We hope for a very good attendance.

    f. Library -

    Circulation has improved as [Joyce](/Friends/JoyceDoyle/) has
    put out books in combination with hospitality time. [Bill
    Durland](/Friends/BillDurland/)'s recently updated book about
    the Israeli/Palestine conflict is available in the library.
  4. Old business

    a. Yearly Meeting Queries/Discussion topics. We were asked to forward any comments to Continuing Committee concerning recommendations from the IMYM Structure Task Force and from the FCNL group; we need not come to unity on any of them. Below are the recommendations followed by our response to them.

    1.  Recommendations concerning the structure of IMYM from the
        Structure Task Force.
        **Recommendation 1.** IMYM 2011.06 Intermountain Yearly
        Meeting should continue to provide funds for travel when the
        representatives need assistance. The criteria for
        appointment should not include ability to pay for travel.
        Representatives should be able to request reimbursement for
        their actual travel expenses (rather than according to a
        We think this is a great idea. Absolutely essential.
        **Recommendation 2.** The Yearly Meeting should continue to
        appoint the current number of representatives to Western
        Friend (3) and Friends Peace Teams (1). FWCC, FCNL, AFSC,
        and FGC should be limited to no more than 3 representatives,
        and the representatives should be at large rather than
        representing the regions. Rather than simply attempting to
        fill all positions, the Yearly Meeting should instead
        appoint only representatives who feel a real leading to
        serve, leaving representative positions vacant if no one
        with such a leading can be found.
        We think the recommendation to have only at-large members
        may be too diffuse. We suggest that the committee ask for
        specific feedback from the current representatives to each
        organization and try again to reduce the costs. We also hope
        that we seek clarity about the financial responsibility of
        who supports this external travel, IMYM or the group to
        which we are sending representatives.
        **Recommendation 3.** To fund the growing need for financial
        aid to attend Annual Gathering, the Yearly Meeting should
        provide financial aid from the general fund by increasing
        Monthly Meeting assessments rather than increasing the cost
        of attending the Annual Gathering.
        We think that this is a good idea. The cost of IMYM should
        be kept within reach.
        **Recommendation 4.** The Yearly Meeting's operating budget
        is entirely funded by assessments from Monthly Meetings, and
        the Yearly Meeting is not organized to manage or oversee
        projects. In almost all cases, financial support for
        specific causes and donations to other organizations should
        continue to be a Monthly Meeting responsibility. However,
        the Yearly Meeting should also provide an orderly
        way, "preferably with full involvement by Monthly Meetings" for
        discerning whether the Yearly Meeting should support a
        specific concern or make a donation to another organization.
        We support that the Yearly Meeting seek a way forward to
        create an orderly method to consider financial support of
        causes and donations. We are also concerned, however, that
        the yearly meeting has an obligation to provide service and
        support to causes. We wish that IMYM structure itself in
        such a way that it will be able to extend itself.
        We would welcome the opportunity to consider these
        recommendations in light of recommendations from the
        Stewardship and Service Committees.
        They are most certainly going to impact each other.
    2.  Number of representative from IMYM to FCNL.
        The Structure Task Force suggested that the number be
        reduced from 6 to 3. We are to weigh the attached comments
        and pass our comments on to IMYM. Please see our comments on
        recommendation 2.
  5. New Business

    Bill reported that AFSC that is still in flux and sorting out its structure.

Grateful for service from Carlton Gamer and Molly Wingate as outgoing Clerk and Recording Clerk.

Closed with silence at 1:10 PM