Minutes for Meeting for Worship for Business

November 13, 2011

In attendance: Linda Seger, Bill Werling, Jeremy Nelson, Lisa Lister, Joyce Doyle, Genie Durland, Bill Durland, Ginger Morgan, Sarah Callbeck, Carlton Gamer (clerk), Molly Wingate (recording clerk)

We opened at 11:20 with a John Woolman reading from 1772:

There is a principal which is pure, placed in the human minds, which
in different places and ages hath had different names. It is, however,
pure and proceeds from God. It is deep and inward, confined to no
forms of religion, nor excluded from any, where the heart stands in
perfect sincerity. In whomsoever this takes root and grows, of what
nation soever, they become brethren in the best sense of the

Followed by silence.

  1. Approval of October Minutes - attached. Accepted with thanks to Jeremy Nelson for standing in for Molly Wingate.

  2. Cash Flow Report : see Finance Committee report (e)

  3. Committee Reports: a. Finance Committee

    1.  A concern about Friends Journal subscription. They have
        raised their rate. Conversation ensued about how we use
        the resource. We decided that we will subscribe to
        Friends Journal for two years for \$90, which will be
        \$12 over budget.
    2.  A concern about changing the schedule for business
        meeting so that we can have the cash flow reports for
        business meeting. Conversation ensued about shifting the
        meeting's schedule. We also discussed the issues
        involved in not having the most accurate financial
        information at meeting for worship for business. We
        decided to find out how the move would affect the [Adult
        Education](/committees/REA) class and then decide at the
        next meeting for business if we can move to the third
        Sunday starting in January 2012.
    3.  Sarah presented the need for the meeting to hire out
        bookkeeper services. We approved seeking out and paying
        for a bookkeeper.
    4.  Draft budget discussion. We have a few additional budget
        lines this year for a bookkeeper and bank charges.
        a.  The bookkeeper charge is split between the general
            fund (2/3) and building fund (1/3). If there is a
            need to draw more money out of the building fund to
            pay for the bookkeeper, the meeting would like to
            leave that decision to the Finance Committee without
            bringing it to business meeting.
        b.  Bank charges are a new line item to cover fees
            charged by Paypal (3.4%) for donations that come in
            through our website. The charges are split between
            the building and general fund because the donations
            which accrue these charges are split between the
    5.  The building fund was explained with few questions
    6.  The draft budget was accepted with gratitude and we look
        forward to the final budget at the December meeting
    7.  [Sarah](/Friends/SarahCallbeck/) presented the September
        and October cash flow reports. These reports are
        attached. The gist of the reports is that we can close
        out the Wells Fargo accounts and do all of our business
        with ENT Credit Union.
        The finance committee is considering setting up some
        other reserve accounts. We are operating well.
    8.  [Sarah](/Friends/SarahCallbeck/) presented the revenue
        and balance sheets for the third quarter of 2011. They
        are attached. The reports were accepted with gratitude.
    9.  [Linda](/Friends/LindaSeger/) asked about what we do
        with extra money. Sarah explained that last year, the
        finance committee brought the issue of the budget
        surplus to the meeting for business. The meeting decided
        to add to what we donate to other organizations. If we
        have another surplus, they would do the same.

    b. Nominating Committee

    1.  Approved [Molly Wingate](/Friends/MollyWingate/) to
        serve on the Colorado Regional Meeting's Nominating
    2.  Please note that [Bill Werling](/Friends/BillWerling) is
        serving at the CRM representative to the IMYM Committee
        on Suffering.
    3.  Several positions for the meeting will be coming open in
        January. They include clerk, recording clerk, and
        others. Please See [Genie
        Durland](/Friends/GenieDurland/) or [Julie
        Roten-Valdez](/Friends/JulieRoten-Valdez/) if you wish
        to volunteer. We hope to approve the new service
        positions at the December meeting.

    c. Ministry and Oversight

    Report on Clearness Committee re: transfer of [Jeremy Nelson](/Friends/JeremyNelson/)'s 
    membership from [Salt Lake Meeting](http://www.saltlakequakers.org/) to Colorado
    Springs. Business meeting approved the transfer of
    membership. December potluck will be a welcome for [Jeremy Nelson](/Friends/JeremyNelson/).
    Ministry and Oversight is willing to expand their membership
    as Friends are lead. They invite anyone interested to
    contact [Linda](/Friends/LindaSeger/),
    [Ginger](/Friends/GingerMorgan/), or
    [Ginger](/Friends/GingerMorgan/) brought to our attention an
    observation that we are uneven in our welcoming new
    attenders. We are urged to extend ourselves a bit in
    welcoming new folks. We had a discussion of how we may order
    our closing of meeting so that new people have a chance to
    introduce themselves. [Ginger](/Friends/GingerMorgan/)
    pointed out that the informal welcoming is what provoked the
    observation. [Carlton](/Friends/CarltonGamer/) and
    Lisa](/Friends/LisaLister/) suggested that we shake hands
    at the break of meeting. We asked [ministry and
    oversight](/committees/MinistryAndOversight/) talk about the
    breaking of meeting and bring us suggestions.
    [M & O](/committees/MinistryAndOversight/) will follow up
    with Pueblo friends to see if we can be of service to them.
    They will also follow up with regular attenders as they make
    their annual calls to see how everyone is doing.
    [Ginger](/Friends/GingerMorgan/) announced that she is
    willing to clerk a debrief of the lessons learned when
    trying to buy the building at 15 S. Wahsatch.

    d. Education Committee

    A regular rotation of adults is needed to teach [First Day
    School](/committees/Education). There are more Sundays than
    there are teachers at this point, so please consider
    teaching a lesson a month or at least supervising "Game Day"
    on the second Sunday of the month. Please contact [Molly
    Wingate](/Friends/MollyWingate/) or [John

    e. Meeting Home

    We had a discussion about having a discussion of lessons
    learned from our process of trying to buy 15 S. Wahsatch.
    The suggestion was for [Ministry and
    Oversight](/committees/MinistryAndOversight/) to lead the
    discussion. [Ginger Morgan](/Friends/GingerMorgan/) offered
    to clerk it. She suggested that we pick a time after meeting
    or an off time. She will send out a scheduler to find a time
    for us to meet.

    f. Library

    No report.
  4. Old business

    a. Friends expressed interest in a discussion group about a book offered by FGC The Wisdom to Know the Difference by Eileen Flanagan. Molly will order books and schedule a discussion time in January. Please contact her so she can order enough books. Those interested will contact Molly.

    b. Molly will have queries from the IMYM documents concerning the IMYM Task Group Recommendations and FCNL representation ready in time for the December Potluck.

    c. Hospitality time after meeting and 1st Sunday potlucks remain Friendly times of fellowship.

    d. We returned to the question of the Sheii Koeii Quaker Farming Community near Gardner, CO and how we can support them. Genie suggested that the question is really for Mountain View to decide and then ask us. Bill and Genie are not in a position to be the liaison to this group on a regular basis.

    There are several questions about the nature the group and
    their request which [Bill](/Friends/BillDurland/) suggested
    that Mountain View should take up.
    [Genie](/Friends/GenieDurland/) is happy to share the contact
    information for Friends to visit the group. Meeting agreed.

    e. We returned to the Joint Statement on Palestine from AFSC, QUONW and FCNL that was brought to Friend's attention last month. Bill clarified that this statement is not for our approval but for our information. Bill discussed the issues of politics and spirituality in Quakers. We discussed an interest in having a soup and sharing on the topic of politics and religion.

  5. New Business

    a. Our noisy neighbors. The bar next door has begun opening at 10 AM on Sundays. We have had only friendly contacts with employees and managers in an effort to reduce the level of the music during Meeting for Worship. All requests have been honored. Molly spoke to the manager during the week and explained our needs, and meeting was quiet on Sunday.

    b. Carlton and Ginger are looking into the possibility of our moving on to Colorado College's campus, if we need or want to. We discussed the pros and cons.

    c. Sarah reported that Jeremy has begun to look at the Meeting's website and he and Sarah will have some questions for the Meeting next month.

    d. Sarah also presented Carlton with the letter to send to Wells Fargo explaining that we are closing our accounts because of our beliefs.

We closed at 2PM in silence.

Presented in the Light,

Molly Wingate

Recording Clerk.